Chapter 11

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[Ashton's pov]

When I got home after the malum ship sailed I was greeted by my little sister

She wanted to go to the park but mam wouldn't let her go on her own at this time so she was waiting for me

I agreed and took her to the park that's when I saw luke kissing jasmine

Kissing her like he kissed me acting like nothing happened between us but he didn't run away from her

Lauren went over to say hi but I shouted her back and took her straight home

I went straight to my room am I cried I don't care how sad it is but I cried

Luke sent me a text message asking me to go round his after school

Now I was sat in my last lesson of the day waiting for my chat with luke

The bell rang and everyone jumped out of there chairs

I said my goodbyes to cal and mikey and met up with luke

We didn't say anything to each other we just started walking to his in complete silence and it was kind of uncomfortable

When we arrived at his we went straight into his room and locked the door behind us

"Sooo..." I said awkwardly " I'm sorry ash" luke frowned

"Please explain trust me you couldn't possible hurt me anymore" I spoke coldly

"Umm...ok so basically we were spending time together writing the song and I just started feeling different toward you you were all that was on my mind if thought you were cute sexy just everything really but then I thought this will ruin my image my popularity because the populars get the girls! I skipped school the day after I discovered my feelings for you I was so confused I thought I was straight! Anyway I went to the park and I found jasmine sobbing her boyfriend dumped her and broke her heart we sat and talked I told her about you she told me about Connor, then she came up with the idea to fake date it would make her boyfriend jealous and it would keep my image possibly make me forget you and also make you jealous but it didn't work I couldn't get you out of my head and you changed your image and started being with oscar and it just made things harder for me because your so dam hot! Anyway you admitted your feelings for me and I couldn't help it you did all that for me so I kissed you because I like you ash and then you told me about cal and mikey and I was like well mikeys in the same situation as me yet he's gone for his dream guy so why shouldn't I but then jasmine texted me asking for a favour and I went and I kissed her to make Connor jealous but when I kissed her I realised something I'm gay I didn't enjoy kissing her at all but when I kissed you I felt all the cliche sparks and everything I spoke to mikey and he told me to be clear with you so Ashton irwin I LIKE YOU OK? Luke said exhaling a big breath afterwards

I went silent was I dreaming or did he just say he liked me?

"I-I l-like y-you t-too" I stuttered "

Luke leaned forward and took out my snake bites and eyebrow piercing he pulled my glasses from my pocket and ruffled my hair

" your better cute ashy!" Luke said giggling

I slammed my lips onto his and it was perfect but this time I knew it was real feelings the boy I obsessed over liked me back

We pulled away and we were both smiling like idiots

" will you get rid of your fake girlfriend?" I asked

" yes if you agree to go on a date with me" he replied with a wink

" deal " I giggled

He rang jasmine and put it on loud speaker

[A.N, luke bold jasmine italics ]

Hey jazz

Hey lukey

We need to stop with the fake dating I want to be with ash, plus the breakup will probably make Connor come back to you!

Your right thanks luke, your a great friend I'll keep you updated good look with Ashton he's one good catch the boys got looks

He's with me jazz, he heard that

Hey I'm only telling the truth, bye luke

Bye jazz


"So about that date..." luke grinned

" your on hemmings" I said smugly

"Let's finish the song irwin" luke replied

After confusion Sly kisses and play fights we finished the song...

Back in high school we used to take it slow

Red lipstick on and high heel stilettos

Had a job downtown working the servo

Had me waiting in line
couldn't even let go

'Cause I never wanna be that guy
Who doesn't even get a taste

No more having to chase
To win that prize

You're just a little bit out of my limit

It's been two years now you haven't even seen the best of me

And in my mind now I've been over this a thousand times

And it's almost over
Let's start over

Back in high school we used to make up plans

Called you up one day to meet split ends

'Cause I never wanna be that guy
Who doesn't even get a taste

No more having to chase
To win that prize

You're just a little bit out of my limit

It's been two years now you haven't even seen the best of me

And in my mind now I've been over this a thousand times

And it's almost over
Let's start over

When we finished we decided that I was playing drums and luke was playing guitar

I was so happy at the moment everything seemed to be going brilliant

Lukes everything I could want I'm stopping with the piercings and I'm going to be more like me

Me and luke were now cuddled up on his bed watching movies I didn't really pay attention to what we were watching because I was to busy looking at luke

If the date goes well maybe I'll be able to call him mine?

I just hope we don't go through any more jealousy


Lashton is happening right now!!!!

If I got any of the Lyrics wrong I'm sorry and if I've spelt things wrong in this I'm also sorry

But I hate going back over the story and correcting things cos I always end up deleting things!!!

Thanks again to all you voting and reading If you want smut in this story please comment because I don't know if people do or not?!?! I need your comments guys!! Next chapter will be with you soon xox

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