Chapter 13

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[Ashton's pov]

I was so nervous I was currently sat in languages waiting to go into music

Today was the day we had to perform our songs

I had to sing in front of the whole class

I had to sing in front of my boyfriend

Nobody knows that lukes my boyfriend they all think he's straight

What if I give it away that were together? What if it's to soon for him and he hates me for making it to obvious?

I was pulled from my thoughts when the bell rang I rushed out of the lesson and ran into the music room and sat down in my seat

All the students started flooding In and soon I saw the beautiful face of my boyfriend walk in

He sat down next to me and smiled, I was fiddling with my fingers because I was nervous as he'll

"Ash don't be nervous I'll be right there next to you ok?" Luke reassured me and I nodded in understanding

The teacher came in and soon each group was being called up to preform there song Calum and Michael were up next and after them it was me and luke

Calum and Michael sang together while Michael was on guitar and Calum was on bass

The whole way through there song they were looking each other in the eye both not dating to break eye contact

When they finished the whole class erupted in cheer they were brilliant

Me and luke clapped and cheered for them we were both proud of our bestmates

They both returned to their seats and now it was our turn

Nerves took over and my stomach was filled with butterflies

Luke grabbed my hand at first I was shocked but then I was pleased with the jester

He lead us both to the front and I sat on the cajon [ A.N drum box for those who don't know]

And luke grabbed the guitar we both sung and played the instrument while taking the odd glances at each other and smiling

It felt so good our voices blending together making another voice

Everything we were doing went together so well it was kind of like me and him we had our differences but we fit together like a jigsaw

I was finding myself falling harder and harder for luke every time I looked into those blue eyes I felt like I was in heaven

If I felt down all he needs to do is smile and he brings my mood back up completely

It's pointless denying it I'm mad for luke hemmings he's everything I could ever want and everything I need

We came to the end of the song and luke entwined our fingers again

Our classmates started cheering and shouting telling us how good we were Calum and Michael were giving us thumbs up and a look that said 'were so proud'

At this very moment I felt like I had it all

Me and luke returned to our seats and I blanked out the rest of the lesson to busy thinking how lucky I was

I had two amazing bestfriends one that was like a brother

I had a sex god boyfriend who likes me for me he diddnt care about the piercings or nothing that's why he told me to get rid

He likes plain old simple Ashton irwin and it feels so amazing

I looked between the three people who meant so much to me and smiled they were all happy smiling and it felt good

Soon the lesson ended and we all headed to lunch apart from today was different

Luke wasn't sat with the populars he was sat with me mikey and cal

We were laughing and telling jokes when all of a sudden luke pulled my onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me

I moved to his ear and whispered " I thought you didn't want people to know about you yet?" Luke smiled and said " I have the most perfect boyfriend of corse I'm going to show him off"

He gave me a sweet kiss on the lips and people around us awed

Calum and Michael were sat opposite us all cuddled up and I just giggled at the sight

They looked so good together so cute I hope me and luke look that good when were together!

The bell rang again and me and luke walked to lesson with our hands entwined

Soon a group of populars stopped in front of us

"Hemmings your gay?" One of them asked " yes and so Is mikey got a problem" luke replied bravely

"Not at all, just shocked but good on you mate" the boy said and pulled luke into a hug " thanks man" luke smiled and we continued walking to class

Lukes face was lit up he looked so happy that he was accepted for who he was

I admired my boyfriend as we walked the corridors and he was smiling at everyone we passed

Our last two lessons we sat together and worked together not leaving each other sides

We got loads of girls coming up to us saying we make the greatest couple

And oscar game over saying " I knew you'd get him" and me and luke both laughed the only person we didn't see was jasmine

When the last bell rang we both walked to our lockers collecting our stuff

Before I could react I was being brought to the ground I looked over at the culprit and it was Calum grinning at me like an idiot

He pulled me up and our boyfriends just glared at our stupidity

We both hugged then Calum screamed " you three get your booty over mine were having a sleepover and movie night"

"Ok, cal but I swear keep shouting like that and I'll be death soon" Michael said laughing at his boyfriend

"Jeez cally your annoying and loud, Mikey will enjoy you in bed" I said smugly

Calum just punched me in the arm and Michael blushed

I held lukes hand again and smiled at him

" come on guys what are we waiting for let's go" Calum shouted grabbing and Michael's hands dragging us

I had hold of lukes hand so he came to

" looks like were going to Calum's " luke said to me and laughed

I smiled and let Calum drag me


Short I know but MALUM AND LASHTON everybody!! Thanks to all reading and voting <3

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