Chapter 3 - Joker's Miracle

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Joker's POV

Spade and Joker flew as they nervously prepared to proceed with their plan NOT to get caught. Joker sighed as he glanced at the window beside him.

If they find out. What would they think about me? And what would they think about Spade. Will they be able to accept the fact that they did something that scares the hell out of all their friends? Will they find out? No they wont. We hid this for 3 months now. Will Ai be okay? Its like she likes Spade as well. What about Hacchi? Or Queen?

"Hey are you okay Joker?" Spade asked as they nearly approached the Sky Joker. "Yah. Um. Spade what if we just um not do that part of the plan. I mean, its risky." Joker asked. Apparantly it is risky. Their original plan was that Spade would distract them while Joker rushes to the bathroom and pretend that he was there the whole time. A while ago they checked the cameras on where their friends were but to their luck, they were in the living room which is right beside the bathroom. Spade started to laugh. "Oh Joker your hilarious. Look. All we have to do is just sneak you in. That easy. Like stealing a treasure." He began. Jokers eyes lit up. "What treasure? Where?" Joker asked. Spade smiled and walked closer towards Joker. "This is." Spade said. As he moved faster and he kissed the life out of Joker. They continue their session until an alarm started beeping. Joker and Spade parted and they saw the Sky Joker right beside them. "Wwell I guess were here." Joker said. Spade smiled. "I guess you enjoyed that then." He said jokingly. "Wwhattt noono way. Haha."Joker said hiding his slightly pink face. "You enjoyed it more though." Joker said. Spade became red in a second and then they both started laughing. "Time to get you in." Spade said. "Um. Hey Spade dont get mad if I change the plan okay?" Joker said as he started chewing some gum. "Uh. Sure?" Spade said. Thank goodness. Joker thought.

Spade POV

I wonder what he will change. Oh well I guess I have to help him out if things start falling apart. I hope we dont get caught. He probably is on the way inside. I dont see him at all anyways.

Spade thought as he started walking out of his jet. "Alright. I hope they dont exagerrate the situation." He thought.

3rd Person POV

As Spade entered the room he saw what isnt the definition of exagerrate. He saw Queen cuddling Ruko as she sat beside Rose who was cuddling Hosshi. Hacchi was wearing a black suit and was sobbing his eyes out as he held a picture of Joker. Ai was comforting him while telling Hacchi that Joker didnt die on us. Silver Heart was there as well who was the most saddest of the group. He was telling Queen and Rose about the funny times with young Joker. Shadow Joker was there chatting with Akai about the possibilities of what happened to Joker. Kira and Rei were there too. Suprisingly, Kira looked sad because of the situation. Rei was distributing snacks. We messed up big time. I should have left a note that I would be borrowing Joker. Spade thought. Suddenly Haicchi took his glass up and began to catch everyones attention. "Everyone. Thank you for coming at such short notice. We are here to celebrate Jokers death." He began. Yep messed up big time. Spade said. He stood up only to Queen tugging his coat. "Leave him be Spade. He just lost hope in finding Joker." She said. "Um. Actually. About that-" Spade began. "He was one of my bestest students. 'Sniff' we shall remember him through eternity." Silver Heart said. "There is still 100 percent possibility chance of Joker being alive guys." Cyan said. "Yah, like what Oni-chan said. Jack is too brave to die so early." Rose said. Everyone started debating like there is no tomorrow. Spade sighed.  It was my fault. If we told Hacchi that we would be going somewhere he wouldnt have reacted like this. But they would find out about our secret relationship. Spade said to himself. Suddenly a knock on the door was heard. Queen rushed to answer it and was so suprised she nearly fell over. All eyes were on the door and they all saw Joker all injured. Even Spade was suprised. What exactly happened? And is this just image gum or real blood?
Spade asked himself.

20 minutes ago...

Joker made a balloon gum and floated up to the top of the Sky Joker. He just had to wait for the perfect time to enter without anyone noticing him. He took out one of his triump card and dropped one on the center of where he was standing. This should do. I could enter with a loud bang. Hehehe. Joker said to himself. Then Joker felt a presence of someone with him so he was about to fly out with another balloon gum in his mouth but  suddenly he felt a sting on his neck and instantly he fell down to the ground.
"Well well well look who its is." The man said. "Red Scorpion! What are you doing here?" Joker asked. "He is not the only one." Nightmare began as he walked out of the shadows. "You gotta be kidding me." Joker said. "Not really." Red Scorpion said smiling. What am I going to do? Joker asked himself. Then he began to smile. "Well you see. I already won." Joker said smiling. "You dont have your friends to save you and you cant move at all. What are you going to do? I think its. Hmm. We won." Nightmare began. Joker smiled. The balloon gum in his mouth began to grow as he felt his body being lifted up to the sky. While he was at least 2 feet above them. Nightmare began throwing masks at him. Joker not being able to move couldnt dodge them all. Luckly the wind was on their side so they always missed Joker. Red Scorpion aimed his weapon and fired at Joker, hitting him with a large impact. He landed on his jet, all bruised up. Red Scorpion took out the needle from Jokers neck because it was quite ovious that Joker couldnt even stand due to the impact. He winched from the pain he felt. "Thats the end of your line Joker." Theh both said as they slowly approached Joker. He slowly stood up despite being injured and shattered. "I dont think so. Straight Flash!" Joker yelled. Nightmare and Scorpion looked back but to their avail, Joker was no where in sight. Suddenly they both felt a pain in their legs as they both fell down. Joker smiled. "Now thats a miracle." He said. He finished them off in an instance as he shouted "Shooting Star!" Hitting both of them as they fell down the Sky Joker and into the sea. Joker sighed as he limped his way to the door. Now this is a prefect excuse for me being missing and it was worth it. Joker told himself.

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