Breaking In pt. 4

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Dr. Neo smiled, "Why gladly," He said as he aimed towards Spade. "But I won't hit you, Joker, I'll hit what you care about even more," He said as he aimed a different gun, and pulled the trigger. Spade tried to move, but something was pulling him down. One of the robot's hand was clutched on his ankle, he tried to shake it off, but since the robot was frozen to the floor, it would take longer to shake it off. Spade tried to dodge all of the bullets Dr. Neo shot, while Joker tried removing the ice.

Joker managed to get the robot's hand off Spade. The duo was about to run off when Joker immediately glanced back at the doctor, who was aiming directly at Spade's heart. Joker ran quickly and pushed Spade aside. Doing so, the bullet hit him instead of Spade. What shocked Joker the most, was that the bullet was bigger than the other bullets the doctor fired earlier. "JOKER!" Spade said as he rushed to aid Joker. "That was a little... too easy," Dr. Neo said. He giggled and took out the flame thrower and aimed at the duo. "Now, give up, or get burned." He said. Spade wasn't paying attention to the doctor. He was crying as he tried to make the bleeding stop.

"J-joker, stay with me... please," He said. Joker smiled. "The battle... Isn't over yet," He said smiling. Joker carefully stood up, with Spade's assistance. "We will NEVER give up, Wiggy," Joker said. The Doctor hesitated to fire the flame thrower, as Joker smiled. "Heh, I knew it," he said.

"You're a fake Dr. Neo," he stated.

Back at Phoenix, he was all done doing his half part of the job. He swiftly walked down the halls and pulled out some explosives. "Well, I guess I will have fun with you," he stated.

Shadow and Lupin had the easiest job, even if they were just going to steal. Apparently, Prof. Clover wasn't there to confront the two, which was kinda off. But that is a story for another time.

"Auntie! We wanna know what happened to the Kaitou's!" A blue-haired boy said. "Yah! And we wanna be just like them!" The silver-haired girl exclaimed. The pink-haired girl, which was, indeed the two kids' aunt smiled. "Maybe you should ask them yourself," she said wistfully, as she greeted the Kaitou parents that entered the room. 

Lilian - Sorry if this is a short chapter TuT, I was busy celebrating!

Liam - well duh. It was your birthda-

Lilian - shhh they don't need to know

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