Chapter 4 - Horrifiying Questions

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After Joker got well cleaned up from all the wounds he experienced, everyone began to question them regarding what happened. Spade nervously sat as he wondered how on earth will pull it off. Especially cover up their little secret the both of them cannot spill. Joker winked at him reassuring him that everything would turn out alright. But deep down Spade still worried about his companion. "Who attacked you Mr. Joker?" Hacchi said angrily. "Calm down Hacchi it was just Red Scorpion and Nightmare. Nothing I can't handle." Joker replied. Spade mentally face plamed himself. Jeez Joker get a grip. He told himself. Everyone in the room huddled over to Joker, Queen leading the questions to ask Joker. "So you had been fighting them for hours and you can't call either one of us for backup?" She asked. Uh oh. Joker smiled. "He pricked me with his potion that can't let me move at all. Thats why I couldn't call. You all happy now?" He said ever so casually. Silver Heart stood up. "Jack Jones. You are so lucky you got into a fight. I almost thought it was a prank. Thank the worlds for your safety." He said as he snuggled his little student. Joker started to whine. "Master! Keep your hands to yourself please!" He said as he struggled to free himself from the grasp of his master. Shadow Joker sighed. "As long as I paint over Jokers light. Im okay." He said. Phoenix clapped his hands. "Acrux was worried sick Joker." He began. And as on cue Hosshi leaped onto Jokers head. "AAAAAAHHHHHH GET OF ME SPACE CAT!!!!!!" He yelped. Everyone in the room regained their lively vibe as they all agreed to stay in the Sky Joker to make sure Joker gets protected well. Spade insisted for everyone to return home and he would guard Joker with the excuse of Dark eye still in the US. After everyone left, Joker and Spade dragged Haicchi and Hosshi to a seperate room and they both made sure to lock Haicchis room. "Close call, wasnt it Spade." Joker said as he jokingky punched Spade. His companion sighed. "Next time, we will leave with a notice. Got that?" Spade said. "Uhuh. Yah sure. Anyways, you wanna stay at my place. We could play some video games before bed." Joker said, gesturing to his room. Spade smiled. "Challenge accepted." He said as both of them slid down to Jokers gaming room.

Meanwhile with Hacchi....
He heard everything. Yup. Every single little thing he heard from Joker and Spades little conversation. And of course only you my dear viewers know this little fact. Now. Its also up to you on what Hacchi will do. Here are your choices....

Hacchi : Wwhaa why me? Why do they get to decide what I do?

Me : Cuz I said so. Plus it makes the story interesting. You know what I mean.

Haicchi : Ookay if you say so....

Here are your choices.

A. Hacchi will inform the gang about the conversation

B. He will Keep Quiet and pretend it didnt happened.

C. He will keep quiet and investigate secretly.

Hacchi's actions and the rest of the following chapters are on your hands. Ohh btw a special thanks too :

SweetPinkBlush25 aww ur the first one too comment on mah work. Sending loves ♡♡♡♡.

Dont worry if your name didnt appear. I love you all dear readers.

And if you have suggestions for another book that u want me to make dont be afraid to comment down below. See yall soon!

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