Chapter 6 - Mr. Detective

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So we will go with B. For Hacchi's decision.

Hacchi : Alrighty there

Me : Now on with the storyyyy


It has been a week since Hacchi heard the super secret conversation of Joker and Spade. Since someone from the 4th wall insisted to stay quiet 
(hehehe) and because he doesnt want to stir up another problem especially since Joker got attached, he decided to stay quiet and pretend it never happened. Joker and Spade decided to have another "date" so Joker had to ask Hacchi. "Where are you going Joker?" His companion asked. "Im going out for a while. Just down town. I promise to be back by 10pm." He said ever so nicely. Hacchi sighed. "Alright Mr. Joker. Just be careful." Hacchi replied. "Dont worry Hacchi. Im the Miracle Maker. I can handle myself." Joker said as he left the Sky Joker as he drove the road joker.

Spade nervously walked down to the stairs. Ai just got back so I guess I have to inform her cuz she might get worried sick just like Hacchi. Spade said to himself. "Hey Dark Eye. Im just going to town for a bit." He began. "What for Mr. Spade?" His assistant replied. "Oh just to get some fresh air and refresh my thoughts." Spade replied. "Sure Mr. Spade. Please be home by 10pm. I dont want you to get into an accident like Mr. Joker." He said. Spade nodded his head in agreement as he left his ship.

Joker was waiting for Spade when suddenly someone tapped his shoulder. "AGHHHHGGGHGH" Joker yelled. "Calm down Joker. Geez get a grip." Spade said, sipping his tea. "Ohh. Spade finally your here. Come on lets get going." Joker said. They both zoomed into oblivion as the reached the town. The two parked the Road Joker as the both of them walked down the busy street. It only took a few seconds before Spade dragged Joker to a fashion store with all the latest trends. There were even clothes themed as their signature outfits. (Yall know what i mean). "Come on Joker! Lets check it out! Pretty pleassseeee." Spade said beggingly. Despite Joker not being the type of person who enjoys fashion trends, he loves Spade too much to say no. So apparently he was staring at himself dressed up as a Spase themed dress while Spade wore the Joker themed dress. Joker just smiled at how happy Spade looked like. Joker snapped back to reality as he heard Spade took a picture of both of them. "H-heeeyy Spade! Not Fair! Gimme that!" Joker screached. "Nuh uh Joker its mah phone!" Spade insisted. The two of them started tugging on Spades phone not noticing a familiar figure emerge from the window..

Shadow Joker took his bike for a ride to buy some grocery. As he was returning home he noticed a gray peck of hair and a yellow mowhack and some blue silky hair flowing behind. He knew who they were so he decided to follow them. Curious that the two rivals getting along together to the point that they hang out together. He followed them to a fashion store. Umm this is weird. When do Joker and Spade goes tk this kind of store? I wonder..... He began. He waited for a while to see both boys wearing the opposites themed dresses. Shadow Joker realized that somethings up cuz Joker wouldnt wear something like that. Also, Spade continued to picture Joker in his dress. The weirdest thing Shadow saw was Spade kissing Joker's cheek. You got to be kidding me. Im just seeing things. Definetly seeing things.. right? Nope. This seems real. But they cannot be dating. They practically hate each other.... But then again why would they be here together without Queen? Should I. Yup I definetly should investigate. This would be prefect blackmail but im a good friend. Haah
Shadow Joker said to himself as he zoomed away on his motorbike.

Now... we decide what would Shadow Jokers next move he will make. He is our future detective on the case of the Joker x Spade. So what would he do next?

A. Gather more information

B. Try following them

C. Gather the reinforcement squad

D. Ask them directly

Shadow : no way am i allowing someone else decide what I wanna do

Me : to late XD see yall soon!

Shadow : No wai-


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