Chapter 19 - Change of Plan

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Joker gathered Shadow, Spade, Phoenix, Rose and Lupin. They walked down the pathway of Shadow abd Roses home. Rose used her powers to get some tea and immediatly offered them so snacks. Joker and Spade explained to them what happened with Aiden. Whoever he is. Lupin started to fiddle with his crystal while Phoenix decided to wander around. Shadow tried to remember if Aiden was there when He and Queen worked for Prof. Clover. Joker started to stomp around as he releases his anger on Aiden for deciding to show up on the WoRsT possible time available. Especially after they made an awesome plan.

A few hours later...

Joker and his gang of 5 decided to research on who Aiden is and where the given address was. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Rose walked over to open the door, Rose yelped in surprise. The boys came running ready to attack only to botice the figure in front of them...

Queen scurried through the vents and made her way to the sewer. She swear she heard Lady Doubt meow and Prof. Clover shouting to his guards to find her. Dang it! Where could the exit be in this scrubby sewer!! It stinks in here! I cannot LiVe in here!!! Queen said to herself. She ran away as fast as she could towards the only source of light she can see. Once she made it out of the sewer. She was met with Flipping Wiggy Hair. Aka Dr. Neo.

"YOU!! HOW DARE YOU!! IMMA SLASH YALL TO PIECES!!" Queen yelled. She took out her Sword and started to slash away all the robots attacking her. Suddenly she felt a being behind her. "Hey Queen~" he said. Queen slashed at him making tge person have a streak of blood across his face. "Aiden... You will PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAD DONE!!" Queen said in between tears. "Oh this?" Aiden said. He held up a pocket watch. The familiar logo on it made Queens blood boil. "HOW DARE YOU POSSES GRANDPA'S WATCH!!" She said. She swung her sword making a cut on Aidens arm. He screamed in pain as he dropped the watch to stop the bleeding. Queen swept up the watch and sprinted away from the boy. She slashed her sword at Dr. Neo's hair making it fall off revealing his true old form XD. "GET HER!" Prof. Clover yelled. Queen took out her last stick of balloon and image gum. She scurily hid behind a rock a created an image gum of herself. Her Fake self ran in her opposite direction. Of course, being the dummies they are. Dr. Neo and his Robot gang ran towards the opposite direction of Queens real path. When she figured she was safer. She ripped some of her cloth to be substitutes for bandages for her wounds. Once that was over, she carefully limped towards the near by river and relaxed for a bit. Grandpa... its going to be okay. I will save them. I will make sure of that. Please be safe. Joker and Spade. She said to herself. She took out her balloon gum and floated towards Shadow Joker and Roses house. Its the nearest one. It will have to do for the meantime. The Sky joker keeps on moving so this is my best bet.

Queen knocked on the door and Rose ran to answer it. She was shocked to see her. But what shocked Queen more was seeing the person she had to warn...

Joker and the rest helped Queen to bed. But she wouldnt allow it. "They are coming Joker. Their target is you, Soade and Shadow. They already did their revenge on me.." she said sadly. "Where are the others?" She asked. "They are in the Sky Joker." Spade said. Lupin sighed. "Just rest up Queen." He said casually. Queen swayed her head forming a no. "Where is Grandpa?" She asked. Shadow sighed. "He left the Sky Joker yesterday to gather stuff at your house." He said. Queen sighed with a relief. "Whatever you do. Dont let grandpa inside the Sky Joker or even here."

Silver Heart and Agent Purple entered Silvers base. They started to pack up. "Whats the matter Silver?" Purple asked. Silver Heart gave a smile. His eyes going red. "YOU"

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