11: Together Romantically

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(Hey, bitchass author here! I'm gonna try something different and write out this scene instead of having it be reminisced through a group chat. My friend requested that I write the scene of Iida and Izuku telling the class that they're together so here it is. It's only about 1750 words, which is less than I usually type for my chapters in other fics, but that's because I'm used to this being a chatfic. I had fun writing this and I hope you guys have fun reading it! Also no, I will not write smut in this fic. I will mention it a few times, but will not actually write it out. That ain't for this fic. ✌Also I promise next chapter will be a group chat chapter! Comment if I should do things like this more often! Thanks!)

(PS. There is a little make out scene in this chapter, but nothing more, so yeah there's that, just a warning. Anyways, let's begin.)

Izuku POV:

I locked my dorm room door behind me as I stepped outside into the hall. I was wearing my uniform and had my bag on, ready for school. I haven't responded to any of my messages since before Iida and I started dating, so I would have to try my best to avoid a crowd of people with lots of questions.

I quickly walked to Iida's dorm, wanting to avoid the chance of anyone stopping me to talk. When I arrived I knocked on the door. He shortly opened it, wearing his uniform.

"Goodmorning Izuku," he said with a small smile. "Goodmorning Tenya!" I waited a few seconds while he grabbed his school bag and stepped out, shutting off the lights and locking his door behind him. He put his keys in his pocket and I grabbed his hand, his face lighting up a shade of pink.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked him. He simply nodded and we began to walk to the kitchen. We were both going to grab something quick and try to hide out together in the bathrooms before class.

We decided that we would do that so we could walk in right before the bell rings so that the whole class would be there. Brilliant, right? Tenya came up with it.

We were speed walking to the kitchen. I looked in first, the coast being clear. We both walking in and took an apple each. An apple should hold us over til lunch, but if not, I can just get something from the vending machines for us in between classes.

Almost as soon and the two of us were in there, we were out of there and walking to school. We did have to take a slightly longer route as we avoided Kirishima and Kacchan though, who were on their way to eat breakfast.

Once inside the school we went to the bathroom closest to our class. We leaned against the wall, rinsing off then eating our apples. We still had our fingers interlocked. I told him that if he felt uncomfortable holding hands at any point that he could let go.

We finished our apples and threw them away. There were still 10 minutes before class. "So, how has Tensei been?" I asked, wanting to start a quick conversation.

"He's been really well since he was released from the hospital. He still has the same personality and pulls the same tricks. And of course, he still teases me as a brother does."

"That's good." He nodded. "So how has your family been?" Tenya asked. "My mom has been well! She got a small promotion last week at her job." "That's great!" I smiled, "yep!"

We heard the door open slightly and two guys talking. It was Kaminari and Ojiro. I started panicking. I quickly pulled Iida into a stall with me and closed the door behind us, making sure the latch was on. Iida sat on the toilet lid and I sat on his lap criss-crossed so my feet and legs would not be visible.

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