71: EriBerry

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A/N: First, take a minute to appreciate that picture. Okay now, let me clear something up. Iida does NOT know about the recent cuts Izuku has. Only Tensei, Aizawa, and Mic do for now. And the therapist lol. Okay now let's start.


Izu's POV

"I AM HERE!" Kaminari said, using his best All-Might impression. I laughed as he came running from the elevator, panting with a bag of his stuff in his hand. I handed him a cupcake.

"Where did you even get this?" He asked, taking a bite, nearly choking as he was still trying to catch his breath. "Sato made them! He made sure you and I got one before we left. He also gave me one to give to Aizawa." He nodded, still eating.

Iida then came from the elevator. I smile brightly at him. "You have your meds, right?" I nodded as he came over and hugged me. "You have absolutely everything?" "Yes, Tenya." "And you'll be okay?" I laughed a little.

"Tenya, I'm going to spend the night in the same house as Aizawa, Mic, Eri, Shinsou, and Kaminari. Everything will be okay, I promise." I gave him a quick kiss, smiling into it. "Okay Izuku. I'll see you tomorrow." "See ya!"

I waved as I stepped out of the dorms, Kaminari following. "Now, walk behind me and let me do the talking." He nodded. We approached Aizawa's car, of which he was leaning on.

"Hi Aizawa! Here's a cupcake from Sato!" He narrowed his eyes at Kaminari. "What is he doing here?" He held his hand out for the cupcake, of which I placed in his hand.

"Okay so can Kami pleaaaaaaaaase come with us? I'll make sure he behaves and that he doesn't burn the house down or anything!" Kaminari took a step next to me as we gave Aizawa our best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Whatever. Just know that if anything breaks, I'm going to break both of you. Now hop in the car before I change my mind." Kaminari and I gave each other a thumbs up. I sat in the back with Kaminari.

During the car ride, Kaminari was allowed control over the radio. Of course, I had to approve of the songs he put on first, but still. Kaminari used the aux and hit shuffle, showing me the song that would play. I nodded.

"Wow, such a happy song," Aizawa said sarcastically, eyeing Kaminari from the mirror. The song playing was Empty by Olivia O'Brien, the nightcore version. Kaminari shrugged as we sang along. Aizawa didn't stop us.

Aizawa looked suspiciously at us through the mirror, probably wondering why Kaminari knew all the lyrics. I wasn't about to explain all that though. Soon enough the song ended anyways and the next one played.

"OH MY GOD IS THIS WHAT I THINK THIS IS?!?!" Kaminari excitedly nodded. I nearly burst with joy. The song was Good For You from Dear Evan Hansen! I loved this song! And I knew Aizawa knew the song too, because Mic gave him some culture.

We decided that Kaminari would sing for Heidi, I would sing for Alana and Jared, and surprisingly, Aizawa joined in as Evan, which nearly made me do a backflip. If I tried to do that, I would probably break my bones, but I should be used to that by now.

Aizawa clicked a button after the song ended to call Mic on the bluetooth. It rang once before Mic picked up.

"Hello my love?" Awww. "Hey. Tell Eri to play in her room for a few minutes. I'm almost home." Mic sighed, "okay, will do. Love you babe!" "Love you too. Bye." "Bye-bye!" Mic hung up. I didn't question the call or why he made Eri go play for a few minutes.

Soon after, we arrived at the house. We all got out and I felt uneasy vibes coming from Aizawa. I grabbed onto Kaminari's arm with my free hand. He noticed the vibes too.

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