57: 20 Questions

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11:57 pm - Wednesday - Class 1-Gay

Mina: Is anyone still awake?

Iida: Mina, what are you doing awake on a school night?

Mina: What are YOU doing awake on a school night 🤔

Iida: touche

Mina: Now how many people are on 👀

Midoriya: I am here!

Kaminari: Did you really just- lmao yeo little listener I'm here too

Jirou: I hate both of you with a passion

Midoriya: 🥰

Tokoyami: ☻

Todoroki: What the fuck emoji is that

Iida: Language!

Todoroki: Iida, look at it. Just look at it.

Iida: Fair enough.

Mina: Is that all?

Jirou: I think so

Mina: Great! Let's play 20 questions! And we all have to answer every question. I didn't come up with these, I found them online, okay?

Tokoyami: Or I could go to sleep

Midoriya: No you won't

Tokoyami: No I won't

Mina: Babey has spoken 👁👄👁

Iida: We should all be going to sleep! We have a long day of school and training tomorrow!

Kaminari: wE hAvE a LoNg DaY oF sChOoL aNd TrAiNiNg ToMoRrOw!

Iida: I give up sure let's play

Midoriya: Hey Tenya, since you're up, can I come to your dorm 👉👈

Jirou: Isn't that against the rules?

Midoriya: Ah damn, I forgot 😔

Iida: We can hang out after school tomorrow, okay?

Midoriya: Okay! 😊

Mina: Now, ON WITH THE GAME! Oh and btw it's only 15 questions lol

Todoroki: Then why did you call is 20 questions?

Mina: CauseFuckYouThatsWhy

Todoroki: I-


Mina: 1. Favorite color?

Mina: Mine is Pink!

Todoroki: Light Blue

Iida: Navy Blue

Jirou: Purple 🤘

Kaminari: Yellow! But purple is my second favorite

Midoriya: 👀

Kaminari: Hush

Midoriya: Probably green or teal

Tokoyami: Black. Or a really really really dark almost black purple.

Mina: coolio! Next!

Mina: 2. What are your nicknames?

Mina: Mine are Min (Meen), Ash, and Ashi :) And Raccoon eyes and Pinky by Bakuhoe

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