65: Tensei Part 1/3

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Izuku's POV

"If you got too overwhelmed or anything, text me and I'll come get you. And don't forget to eat properly. And stop shaking damn it, it's just his brother, not his parents!" Kacchan was giving me a 'pep talk' and Kiri put it.

Kirishima placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure you'll be great dude!" I pulled at the end of my sleeves nervously, "I hope so."

Tenya came from the elevator. I was with Kacchan and Kirishima by the door. Aizawa had informed us that Tensei sent a car for us and it was waiting outside.

"Ready Izu?" I smiled, but you could clearly tell I was nervous. What if Tensei didn't like me? What if he already hates me for what happened in the chat? What if he finds out about my problems and thinks I'm not good enough for Tenya? What if I make a fool of myself and he never wants to see me ever again? What if I embarrass Tenya infront of this brother and he wants to break up with me? What if-

"Oh my fucking god DEKU just shut the fuck up already damn!" I flinched at his harsh tone and he gave a sympathetic look for a second before quickly covering it back up.

"W-was I mumbling again?" Kirishima tilted his head slightly and gave a sad expression. Tenya grabbed my hands in his as I met his gaze.

"Izuku honey, I would never leave you. And don't worry," he kissed my forehead, "I'm sure he'll love you. Everyone tends to." I giggled a little at that last remark he let slip. Kirishima did too.

"Are you ready?" I nodded my head. "Okay. Let's get going now." I smiled and looked to Kacchan and Kirishima, giving them a quick wave as I went out the door.

Kacchan said he would send me a message at 9 telling me to take my meds. Iida had 2 of my pills in a little bag we got from Sero (you know what them bags look like ;) ). He had the little bag in a bag he was carrying. Kacchan also said that when he texts me, if I don't answer him within a half hour, he's gonna hunt me down and murder me. That's just his way of saying be safe lol.

Tenya and I had previously spoken with Aizawa about this whole thing and he agreed to it. Tensei also talked to him over the phone. He convinced Aizawa to let us stay the night, promising he would have us back tomorrow for class. I let Uraraka, Mina, and Aoyama pack my bag so I hope they didn't pack anything too crazy.

Tenya opened the back door of the car for me. I thanked him as I sat down and slid over so he could sit next to me. He closed the door placed his bag on the floor as I did mine.

"Tenya, it's nice to see ya! This is your boyfriend I'm assuming?" The driver asked. "It's nice to see you too. Indeed, this is my boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya." The driver held out a hand for me to shake, of which I did.

"It's nice to meet you!" He gave a warm smile, "it's nice to meet you too." And with that, he turned back to the road and started the car. He was Tensei's driver, but Tenya has met him plenty of times.

The ride was in comfortable silence, besides the hum of the engine. And no, not Tenya's. It was only about a 45 minute drive. It was now about 6:30.

We pulled into a driveway of a decently large house. It had 2 stories and looked well-kept. We got out of the car, waving to the driver as we parted ways.

We walked up to the front door. My hands were visibly shaking. I think Tenya noticed this as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Izuku honey, don't worry, you'll do great. If it gets too much for you at any time, we can leave, okay?" I nodded slowly. He brought me into a quick kiss.

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