54: Kami Cuddles

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A/N: Hey my fucktards so first things first PLEASE stop requesting and recommending songs for me to do lyric pranks with I have like 15 requests and I originally wasn't even planning on doing any lyric pranks and then I did it anyway and ahebehsbdbdhdhsh so yeah please stop requesting those cause I'll feel guilty that I can't do them all. I hope you guys understand! Second things second, this chapter may or may not even be any good cause I've only slept 2 hours in the past 3 and a half days or so. So yeah. AnYwAyS! Let's begin, yeah? <3 :)


Midobaby's POV

I tightened my grip on the back of Kaminari's shirt. We were both currently laying in my bed, holding each other like there was no tomorrow. What Todoroki said hurt, but it wasn't anything that wasn't true so I wasn't too upset or mad or anything.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Kaminari asked me, mumbling it onto my shoulder. The entire class had tomorrow off on chore duty as suspension for the party. We also had an hour of extra training everyday for the rest of the week. And curfew was 8:30 pm for the week and we weren't allowed out until 5:30 am.

Aizawa said that if we didn't do the chores assigned to us, that would add another half hour to the extra hour of training. My chores were to clean my room spotless and help with cleaning the kitchen. Tenya, Momo and Jirou would also be helping clean the kitchen.

Aizawa's specific orders for the kitchen were to do as following:
1.Clean the counters
2.Wipe the walls
3.Sweep and mop the floor
4.Clean off appliances
5.Rewash every single dish, clean or not
6.Take out kitchen trash
7.Clean out the fridge
8.Get rid of any and all expired products
9.Organize the silverware drawer
(Kami accidentally pulled it all the way out on time a few days ago)
10.Organize the can-goods n boxed food
11.Organize storage containers
12.Change out the sponge and hand rags
13.Clean oven
14.Scrub sink
15.Dust the kitchen
16.Wipe the light switches

We decided to divide the work amongst the four of us. I let the other three decide what they were going to do first and then I'd do whatever else had to be done. I ended up with #7, #8, #9, and #11. Tenya and I agreed to do #5 together where one of us will wash and one of us will dry. It was one of his chores.

"To finish the chores." "I mean obviously, but like, what about after that?" Kaminari asked in the same tone. "I don't know how much time we'll have afterwards." He stayed quiet.

"Maybe you could hang out with the Bakusquad!" I laughed a little, "I'm pretty sure you'd have to ask them first. And that's if everyone gets their chores done in time before curfew." Kaminari groaned in annoyance with the curfew.

"So what if we partied a little too much? It wasn't just our class." I backed my head away a little to look at him. "The other class and Shinsou got into a lot of trouble too." Their punishments weren't as extreme but it's not like they got off free.

"Yeah, you're right." I leaned my face near his forehead, his hair brushing against my nose. Kaminari has to use a special shampoo and conditioner thing to get his hair to smell nice. Without it, his hair would most likely smell like burnt hair, damaged or not. But now, it actually smelled like Hawaiian fruits.

"Do you think Dadzawa is gonna lecture us again?" I shrugged, "I was only there for the second lecture so I'm not sure. I didn't really see just how mad he was the first time. I was asleep on Sero." "You mean your ex one night stand?" I pushed him lightly as he laughed. We both had kept our eyes closed this whole time.

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