47: Poly Party

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Izuku POV

"So, did you actually ask them if they wanted to come?" I was walking over to the other dorms with Class 1B in them with Kaminari.

"Well, I asked Tetsu because Shinsou didn't answer me right away and Tetsu said yes and that he'll convince the other 3 to come." I mean, I guess that plan works.

We continued talking, mostly about Shinsou and funny stories we had with him. Eventually we stumbled upon the doors. Kaminari walked right in and I followed him. Kendou was on the couch.

"Oh, Kaminari, Midoriya! Hey, how's it going?" She stood up and walked over to greet us. "Pretty good, how are you?" Kaminari said. "Good, good. Tetsu and Monoma are getting Shinsou right now. They should be here soon." I nodded.

Right on time, they came right out of the elevator. "Denki! Mido!" Shinsou gave a small smile at us and Kaminari instantly hugged him.

"Hi guys!" I spoke. "Hey bro!" "Hey Midobabe." "Hello one of the few class 1A students I can stand." I laughed at Monoma's remark. Aoyama walked over to him, placing their hands together as they gave each other a smile.

We stayed there and talked for a few minutes. And apparently that was long enough for word to get around that there was a party. Let's just say Kami and I walked over to our dorms with the entire Class 1B and Shinsou.

I walked in the front of the large group, talking with Tetsu and Kendou. Aoyama and Monoma were right behind us. Shinsou and Kami walked in the very back. Nobody really noticed it, but they were holding pinkies, both of their faces a light pink. I noticed it.

"So bro, is everyone from 1A gonna be there?" I nodded, "yep! Everyone!" Kendou laughed, "do half the people in my class even know all three girls?" I shook my head, "probably not. But hey, the more the merrier!" She smiled.

We continued to talk until we reached the dorms. I was the first to walk in and held my hand back to makes sure I was the only one who walked in at first. Tenya was looking at me questioningly.

"So... we may have a brought a little bit more people than expected." He raised a brow at me. I huffed, then motioned for everyone to come in. I watched as Tenya's face grew in horror at the amount of people increasing in number.

"I thought you were just going to get four people!" I leaned on his side, "well, change of plans." I laughed and he smiled, trying not to let a laugh slip his lips. "Okay, I'll message everyone to let them know that we are working double time." I kissed his cheek, "thank you Tenya." He turned and pecked me on the lips, "no problem."

"Oh, Tenya..." "what is it love?" I giggled a little as I grabbed his hand. I looked over the room at Class 1B. "You all can settle for a bit. I'll be right back!" "Okay!" Kendou answered for everyone.

I dragged Tenya off into the bathroom. It was the one he patched me up in. I didn't like the memories so I just shook them off for now. No bad thoughts for tonight. Yeah. We'll see if that happens.

"Wait riiight here for a minute please?" "Okay?" He said, it coming out as more of a question. I smiled at him before walking back out. I tried to find a girl from our dorms who wasn't busy, with no success. So I had to go to the next best thing.

"Aoyama!" He pulled himself off of Monoma. Looks like they were making out. Whoops. "Yes, mon ami?" He sparkled. "Do you perhaps have any foundation or concealer or something I could borrow for Tenya? Or at least know anyone who does?" He gave me a knowing look, knowing exactly why I needed it.

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