43: Bed room or Bedroom

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Deku's POV

"NO! HE'S MINE NOW!" I woke up to the sound of Kaminari yelling. He was hugging my side. Kacchan apparently woke up the same time I did.

"Great job Kaminari. Now they're awake." I smiled and stretched before standing off the bed. I hugged Tenya, the one who was apparently arguing with Kaminari.

"What the hell Pikachu! You couldn't have been any quieter!" I glared at Kacchan and he looked confused for a moment before Tenya wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I leaned against him, placing a hand to his face.

"Hey Midobro, you totally love me more than Class Rep, right?" I gave a half-smile. "Sorry Kami. He is my boyfriend after all. I love you both, but the way I love him isn't platonic." Tenya kissed my head. Kaminari shrugged, "Okay, I guess that's fair." I laughed.

"Oi cunt, what time is it?" I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked. "About four thirty." Kacchan nodded. Tenya dug his cold hands under my- okay well his sweatshirt, being careful not to touch my piercing. I got chills.

"Why are your hands so cold?" I asked, laughing. He just smiled and out his head on my shoulder, kissing my neck a few times. "I had to held Todoroki with something with his ice quirk." I titled my head and giggled.

"Come on you nasty fucks. Get a room!" Kacchan said, throwing a pillow at us. I laughed, barely dodging it as it ended up hitting Tenya in the face. I nearly pissed myself laughing.

"Bakugo, that was not very nice!" "Shut up four eyes! That was not very nice for you two to violate my eyes!" At this point Kaminari and I were losing it.

"Damn Deku. You better hurry and get to your room so your boyfriend can fucking ram it in your ass already. I don't want to see that happen here. Disgusting ass-" "Bakubro, you've already seen Mido naked."

I covered by now red face with my hands. "FUCK YOU ELECTROFUCK!" "No thanks, I don't take offers." This whole thing is so chaotic.

"Hey Kami, can I come back here around five fifteen?" "Sure! I'll be here!" I smiled. "Okay, well, I'll be in my room with Tenya. I'll see you two later!" "Bye! And use protection!" "Jesus fuck dunce face." Before they could say anything else, I grabbed Tenya's hand and pulled him out of there.

"Remind again why you are friends with Bakugo?" I laughed. I grabbed his hand and we walked to my dorm. Once there we stepped inside and I closed the door. Tenya then locked it as usual. He started walking closer to me. I was now sitting on my bed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and her placed his lips on mine. He brought himself closer by grabbing my hips. I laughed a bit when we split.

"What's this all about TenTen?" His face was pink and he looked off to the side. "You got a new piercing." I smiled, "I thought you would hate it!" He finally looked at me again. "I thought I would too but it's rather attractive on you." I pulled him back into another kiss.

He leaned forward and I lean back, so I was laying flat on my back. I shortly after flipped around so I was laying on top of him. He kicked his shoes off and I didn't have any on to begin with.

"Do you want to see the piercing?" I asked once we needed air. He nodded quickly. I laughed and he helped me quickly slide off my shirt. I was practically straddling him. He smiled up at me and leaned to sit up.

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