66: Tensei Part 2/3

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A/N: First off, no one reminded me that Izuku has therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Just pretend that he cancelled his therapy session for today. Second, this was originally supposed to be only 2 parts but I changed it into 3. Also, third, I'm just going to remind all of you, I do NOT write smut in this chatfic! Certain things may be mentioned, but I'm not gonna write smut, okay? Okay. Thank you, my nearest and dearest cumdumspters and slutwagons <3


Izubaby's POV

"So, what was that all about?" I flinched slightly but he didn't notice. Tenya and I looked at each other as the waitress came over to save the day. I'm going to make sure she gets a REALLY good tip.

"Hi, welcome to the Moonlight Diner. May I start you off with some drinks?" She looked at Tensei first. "Oh, grape juice please." She nodded and turned to Tenya. I was still looking at the menu. "A glass of orange juice, please." She wrote it down and then turned to me. "Uhhh, a strawberry milkshake please!" She smiled, "would you like whipped cream?" "Yes please!" She nodded and said they would be right out as she turned and walked away.

Tensei cleared his throat. "So, what was the rush into the bathroom for?" Ah dang it. I looked at Tenya again as he did me. I pulled at his sleeve to let him know I would speak, seeing as there is no way he could lie to his brother.

"I-I just really had to go to the b-bathroom, that's all. I asked him to come with me b-because I didn't want to go alone." He stared at us suspiciously. But then he nodded, accepting the answer we gave him. Thank All Might. We looked at our menus.

The waitress came over and placed our drinks in front of each of us. We each gave a 'thank you'. "Have you decided or do you need more time?" "Just another minute or two, please," Tensei said. "Alrighty." She then left again.

"What do you want, Izu?" Tenya asked. I hummed lightly. "Probably just some bacon cheese fries. I'm not that hungry." I didn't need to eat a whole meal. I didn't need to become fatter than I already am.

"That's all?" I nodded and he sighed lightly, grabbing my hand in his as he closed his menu and used his finger under my chin to make me look at him. "Are you sure that's all you want?" "Yes, Ten, I'm sure." He hesitantly nodded. He kept his hand in mine but turned to look at Tensei, who looked a bit confused by this interaction, but didn't say anything.

Shortly after, the waitress came back and we all ordered. Not long after she left, the lights dimmed slightly (but not too much) and everyone turned towards the band. It was some local band called New Horizons. They were planning to sing covers tonight. They started off with a Panic! At The Disco song, The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty. I'm glad they played decent music.

"Hey Izuku, isn't this one of the songs you and Jirou listened to the other day?" "Mhm." He smiled softly and stared at me. I felt my face turn pink and I smiled softly back. He pecked my cheek as we turned back to the band. They sang nicely.

(Here's the song btw:)

I hummed lightly to the tune of the music as Tensei and Tenya talked about something. I tried to pay attention, but I just couldn't focus no matter how much I tried to force myself to. My gaze drifted off to the wall behind Tensei.

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