Memory ~ I still remember the first day,I met you.

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Sometimes meeting someone just clicks, this is it! ~ Wang yibo (2011)

It's a big day today, IDB final Competition day. They are going to select final candidates, who are going to Korea to train under Yuehua entertainment.

From last few days I was practicing day and night, my knees are scrapped, my ankle is hurting. But it is all ok. problem is I m very nurvous ,my heart is beating loudly.I am very introvert person, I don't really, express my feelings openly.

We are at Chongqing Technology and Business University. I came here with other semi finalists of IBD Competition for the finals.

My mom and few friends of Secondary school messaged me with good wishes.

I switched of my phone as other members and instructor were discussing our next action.

After two more performance it will be my turn. My instructor gave me few last pointers. And I was ready.

I danced very well. I am thankful, my nurvousness did not affected my performance.
I came off stage my other members and instructor hugged me with congratulations.
I was too tired I just grabbed a juice bottle and sat down near fan. While gulping I searched for my phone I my bag pack. I think I kept it in bag before final touch up. I asked my members but I did not found it. I kept searching, at last i asked my friend to give me his phone so I can call and see it anybody found it. While dialing I remembered I switched off it after replying my mom's message. Damm why I did it, just when I was about to cut the call,it was connected some one picked it up.Some one was telling Wei.wei.wei ( hello).
I told him that's my phone, he told me to come to committee members office and said me room number.
I told my instructor I was going to pick up my phone. That guy already gave me directions from backstage. I knocked the door, and entered. There I saw a guy drawing something, he lifted his face and smiled at me and said me to sit down.
My heart skipped a beat at his smile, such a sweet smile and cute fluffy cheeks. My friend always teased for my fluffy cheeks but in my eyes this guy's cheeks are more cuter.

 My friend always teased for my fluffy cheeks but in my eyes this guy's cheeks are more cuter

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His angelic smile, beautiful dark eyes, pink lips and a sweet mole under his lips.
I was looking at him, he smiled at me and gave me my phone said some back stage member found it near stairs of stage. He asked me I was participant in IBD Competition. I just nodded, he wished me goodluck by thumbs up gesture 👍.
I smiled and thanked him and came out from the room. My heart was still beating loudly. I felt this kind of feeling for the first time may be because of hormones ,I am 14 year old this year and studying in second year of secondary school of batch of 2011, I was in my prime teenage years, my first teenage crush and I didn't even asked for that seniors name.

I came backstage, I sat down with my members. All of us were sitting tensely in few minutes results would be diclared.

We all were called on stage, and they were calling names who were selected and then they called Wang Yibo, my name I was selected as top 16 under hip hop category dancing.I jumped and hugged my members . I m so happy my hardwork paid off. I was going to train under Yuehua and going to Korea.

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