birthday Wang yibo🥰

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Happy Birthday to a special person who is bringing so much joy to my heart. I am thankful for every moment we spend together, and I wish our happiness never ends. ~ xiaozhan

Xiao zhan's pov~ 🐰

Memories may fade as the years go by but they won't age a day. Memories are always invisible to eyes but can be felt with heart. I still remember every single detail of our first date, our first kiss. Time really flies fast, It was just like yesterday he stole my first kiss.

Today is Yibo's birthday, our second Time together on his birthday. A special day of my beloved but I am not with him at the moment he needed me the most.

I am so anxious and tensed, I am trying my best to calm myself. Sitting in the backseat of luxurious car in air conditioned atmosphere is also not giving me any comfort.

I am trying my best to calm down myself, but still the restless feeling is not going anywhere. I don't know how he is doing Alone, how my love is dealing with his emotional trauma.

Today morning I went to shoot for joy of life, for which yibo was not happy last night. He wanted to spend the day with me, but due to my pre-assigned schedule, I have to go...

Now I am regretting my decision, I wish I would have stayed back. After recording few scenes, I just casually checked my phone during mid break...and highlighted news flashed on weibo notification, "Wang yibo, bashed by fans on live stream."... "Wang yibo again targeted by hatred.".."Wang yibo, abruptly stopped live stream midway."...

I could not control my hands from shaking, my phone slipped away. I immediately tried to call him. But his number was switched off, then I called the assistant director of cql and he briefed me what happened.

I was shaking from tension, how he was doing. I closed my phone and decided to leave for CQL set.. I must have to go now, he needs me. I asked the director for emergency leave, and thank fully he allowed me to go.. maybe he felt my anxiety and tension.
Now I am returning to cql shooting site, I called Xuan Lu in way, she told me everything. Yibo is not in set, after the live broadcast, he imidieatly went to his room. He said to them that he wanted to spend alone time.

I  just wanted to fly past and reach him as soon as possible.

Wang Yibo's pov~🦁

I was so happy in the morning, last night I was with my love... My best birthday start... He wished me happy birthday at midnight counting 10-01 loudly Infront of all staffs and crew. It was embarrassing for me, but I was secretly very happy and overwhelmed from inside. I hit him with my sleeves to hide my embarrassment.

Zhan didn't even stopped there, he catched an insect and run after me. He knew very well, I am afraid and disgusted of worms and insects. Still he was doing this, so I was running here and there to hide.
Sometimes this guy behaves like a big kid, but I love his this jolly nature the most. I was wearing lanwangji's long dress, so I was not able to run smoothly,  I even fall down and pretended to got hurt.

He immidieatly stopped it, and came closer to me to check my injuries. I got the chance and dragged him into the nearby common toilet. I kissed him of my heart's fill. We parted after we became breathless, he was flushed red from intense kissing. I wanted to kiss more, but he pushed me back.😛

He was angry as we still have our shooting to continue and his make up was now ruined near lip area, plus I hold his hands and dragged him Infront of crew and cameramen, who were still recording.

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