Lovesick~Made to love

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That we've got one life one world
So let's come together
We'll weather the storm
A rain of colors Look up to the sky
We're all made of shooting stars
We are made to love ~ XiaoZhan ❤️🐰.

Xiao zhan's POV~🐰


" I love you, XiaoZhan"

Heard xiaozhan in his dream. Zhan wake up dazed, when he was about to get up from bed, he felt a firm hand tightly wrapped around his stomach. He immediately sobered, looking at the cute face of his beloved. A feeling of happiness and warmth spread in his heart. Last night's kisses and Yibo's love declaration was playing in his mind again and again.

His life had changed 180° after meeting yibo. Still he could not believe, actually he was lying in his little boyfriends embrace, who's six year younger than him. That same little boy who once made him amazed by his cute cold attitude, a determined 14 year old teenager he once met long ago.

He remembered during his initial days of entering entertainment industry. He attended UNIQ's concert and fan meeting event at Guangzhou during midsummer of 2015. He was cheering and shouting for Wang yibo amongst hundreds of fans. Same year in a event he was asked to draw about his ideal youth. He had drawn Yibo's picture. That little boy with long blonde hair, full on hip hop style. His care free attitude, his alluring yet innocent eyes and childish smile always attracted him. In his eyes wang yibo was full of life, like a adventures book .

He had been drawn to this young man like some kind of connection pulling him towards the other, every time he saw him on TV or anywhere else, he felt like he knew him for ages. That time, during the first phase of their friendship the feeling was not like usually lover's had. It was more off platonic kind just like admiration and atraction. But gradually it changed to the one, more into romantic love side or Eros.

He himself didn't know, when this change started. May be when yibo first-time kissed him or gradually spending time together, knowing each other's true self. But when few days back , that scandal erupted in weibo about yibo and a actress he was working with. A sudden pain and jealousy inflamed in his heart. He knew very well maximum of this scandals were either bluffs or publicity stunts. But his heart really panicked, he felt a kind of possessiveness for yibo. Imagining yibo kissing some other person, his heart felt a pang of remorse.

After staying away from yibo for few days, his feelings confirmed. He was in love with him. He decided to give it try, he knows yibo is still young. In future if yibo felt like backing away from this relationship, he would definitely set him free. But for now he wanted to become selfish, without thinking much. Whatever awaits in future, time will decide. But for the time being he didn't want to hide his feelings, and specially not want to hurt yibo anymore.

Subconsciously his hand started carcassing the beautiful face. Wang yibo opened his eyes feeling the warm touch. He smiled at the beautiful sight of his Zhan. Wang Yibo pressed his lips on Zhan's and said good morning. And his lips continues to kiss him, Xiao Zhan felt the world crumbles away and nothing else matters. His kiss was passionate and pure, consoling his soul in ways that words could never do. Wang Yibo glides his hand below Xiao Zhan's ear, while his thumb caresses his cheek. Xiao Zhan traces his fingers down his beloved 's back, drawing his body closer until no space is left between them. He can feel the heartbeat of Wang Yibo. And he knows, the person he's kissing can feel the love exploding in his heart too.

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