🌞love is the greatest healer 🌻

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Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories because love brings the light of understanding towards the darkest corners of our heart and minds...Wang yibo


Xiao zhan's POV~🐰

Taking deep breath here I was standing in front of his door. Contemplating whether to knock or just barge in. After giving few minutes on thinking, I turned my body and punched  password and entered in my own room.

I directly entered in bedroom, without even bothering to remove shoes. As expected here he was lying in my bed,  clutching the pillow I use close to his face.

He was sleeping in his live stream cloths, still wearing lanwangji's wig and makeup. His face was totally red, tears stains still visible in makeup ruined face.

I touched the pillow he was clutching, it was still little damp. May be he cried to sleep, this sight broke my heart. This was so painful sight, suffocating feeling was surfacing in my chest.

After removing shoes and jacket, I slowly crawled in front of him. He snuggled to me instantly as I removed the pillow.

I thought he would be angry at me or at least sulk at me but surprisingly he engulfed me in tight hug, I hugged him back.

We stayed like that for long time, both in silent understanding. After few minutes I felt him hiccuping as he was silently crying on my chest.

I let him cry, stroking  fingers gently from his neck to spine, soothing him as much I can. After crying his hearts fill, he tried to say something.

🌻"Zhan ge, they... they...", I silenced him with index finger.

🌞"Shhhh... I know, I know baby, I know everything, I know everything they did. I met the team before coming here, they were not your fans or novel fans. They investigated and  found out that they were haters, unrelated people. Not our fans, they don't matter to you and us."

🌻"They said so many bad things, you don't know.". Yibo said while hiccuping.

🌞"I know my love, I watched the broadcast. They will regret one day, you will shine  like a bright star, they will be blinded by your light. Trust me baby, time will give them appropriate answer."

🌻"I was so shocked, about to cry, but I somehow managed it from spilling. I was feeling so helpless, Zhan ge. I felt like no one loves me, no one wants me. I felt so lonely, so unwanted."

🌞"You did so well baby,  you did so well. I am very proud of you, and don't take their words seriously, they are no one in our lives. Their words doesn't matter, I love you, your parents love you, your band mates, your ddu bros, your friends and your fans love you. You have so many people to love and cherish you."

🌞."We are not going anywhere, I am not going anywhere, I am staying with you. You are most important person in my life. Look at my eyes sweetheart, see how much I love and cherish you. How much you are wanted in my life."

🌻."I know Zhan ge, you are also most important person in my life, nothing is more important than you in my life. My life, my carrier, my fans every thing comes second to you, I love you more than you can imagine."

I smiled and kissed him in forehead, and said softly,"I know."

We cuddled like that till afternoon, snuggling to eachother. Engulfing in each other's scent, soothing our hearts.

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