our unforgettable summer~Love in Dragon boat festival 🔞🔞🔞

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Forever is a long time, make sure you spend it with someone who makes you laugh! ~ xiaozhan ♥️.


Xiaozhan pov~🐰

Living life has become one of the most heard yet inactive phrases. So, the best way to carry out the spirit of living life is to live the way which makes you happy and satiable. It is the sense of being laden with wings of freedom of what you love to do, eat, and live like.

My days with yibo were full of life, I don't know what was waiting in future but it's my dream life and I was enjoying it.

Yibo was like a energy bundle, with him i was not like myself. I allowed my self to behave like a child enjoy every moment.

Today he had chased around me in the makeup room with a camera, like a little kid. Wang Yibo was not the type of person to give compliments lightly, regardless of the rainbow farting ,he  started praise attack me, then I did same. 

He was shoving a camera repeatedly near my face and complimenting my leg hairs..my eye lids, my moles..but leg hairs seriously, out of all things. It was annoying as fuck, buy I still loved it I loved him.

Yibo had been droning on about my skin my eyes my lips my facial features for over five minutes, following me around the room while i tried to escape the assault. I  even tried smacking Yibo, though without any real force, to get him off me. But like a dog with a bone, the little fella was ready to fight.

This shameless fella, even shouted "Zhan ge, Di Di Ai Ni" infront of staffs and everyone. No body doubted any thing as he was playful always, still it stuck in my heart, I feel so overwhelmed so loved.

It was our daily routine, we play, we chat with each other during interviews with media groups visiting the set.


Today is dragon boat festival, it's holiday for us. I was lazying around my hotel room, no shooting was boring. Yibo was busy with his produce 101 shooting,

We have not met for three days, I called him if we could eat together tonight. He said he would loved too but time was not fixed due to his shooting, so he said not to do any reservations.

I was playing video games, when he called me to inform his shooting was over and he made reservations for us.

I came to the place he asked me to come.
The restaurant was very nice, simple but tastefully decorated, and definitely more high end than the relaxed atmosphere.

It was not high class yet  elegant looking Japanese food restaurant. I feel little ashamed, I wore black t-shirt and shorts. I would have dressed up little bit, I was feeling little uneasy but i relaxed when Yibo came into view. 

He was also wearing comfortable clothes like me. The oversized grey striped pants and white graphic t-shirt with short-sleeve black shirt.

His bodyguard and my assistant sat together..and I and Yibo another side. We chatted for a while Soon food came, we savored the food relishly.

After dinner I thought he would go back with his body guard to his hotel room as he was scheduled to go for DDU shooting in Bejing for next few days, but he tagged along saying he would miss me.

3rd person pov~
(At night In the xiaozhan's hotel room)

They were constantly playing Mobile games after returning to hotel.  Xiaozhan got tired of playing, so he went to take bath. After bathing Zhan saw yibo still busy playing. So he dragged him and shoved his shorts in his hands to wear and pushed him to take bath.

SOULMATES ~ One's in a Million. (Yizhan/Zhanyi)Where stories live. Discover now