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shayne's pov -

I'm not sure why I was nervous to tell Damien. He's my best friend. I trust him with my life. With my own heartbeat. 

Courtney's laugh pulled me from my thoughts.

"Yikes 'here as my girlfriend' you make it seem one-sided." She joked, looking at me, before adjusting herself to face Damien, "We're dating."

He smiled and nodded. A gentleness washing over him. Settling in his eyes. I noticed him instantly relax.

"Have you guys told anyone else?" 

I shook my head. Slow down.

"Just you. I mean this literally just happened." I stole one of Courtney's fries. "I think we're going to keep this low for a bit." 

"I totally get that, man." Damien said. "What about Ian?" His eyes flickered briefly with worry.

"I'm not sure." Courtney answered him, glancing at me quickly, "It's just tough. We're all friends, our personal lives are so connected." She ran a hand through her hair. "But professionally, it's a different story. We'd just have to keep shit close to our chests."

"That makes sense." Damien hummed. He placed a reassuring hand on the back of Courtney's chair while he faced me. 

"And I know I've been so afraid of labels." Courtney started again. Nervous babbling. It's okay, you don't have to explain. "But, Shayne, I just don't want to hide it. I'm not saying going public or anything like that, but I like this whole exclusivity thing."

"We'll figure it out." I said gently. I held her eye contact. Trust me, it'll be okay. Her confession was unexpected, but it solidified my own feelings. Labels terrified me. After months of failed dates and unlucky feelings with other people, I had found solace in Courtney. And it scared me to think that I could lose her to a label. But knowing she was also afraid of it gave me some version of hope.

"You guys will." Damien said. Removing his arm from Courtney's chair and giving her back a soft pat before starting on his fries again. "And I get why it's so" He took a breath, hand gestures failing his vocabulary, "nerve-racking. You both are in the public eye. You guys work with a company that has legitimate rules and contracts, despite the personal stuff. It's a lot." 

"It is." Courtney said, her eyes on Damien. She took another bite of her wrap.

What are you thinking about, Court?

"Thank you guys for trusting me with this." Damien's tone softer. "I really appreciate that. And you don't have to worry about me telling anyone or anything like that." He smiled at both of us.

"Love you, dude." I said. Picking up my glass, I cheered him. A soft clink before downing some cool liquid. 

"Thanks Damien." Courtney said, fiddling with the sunglasses on her head. Damien nodded gratefully. 

"I still just can't get over the fact that we bumped into each other here." He laughed. I chuckled, too. 

"It's wild." Courtney agreed. 

"Yeah for real. I thought you'd be at your apartment all weekend." I said.

"Excuse me, Shayne, I have a life." Damien joked. Feigning offense, he looked away from me, scowling his eyes. 

"Damien you and I both know that we get paid to play video games." I paused and met his eyes as he turned back to me. "We both don't have lives." Before I even said another joke, Courtney jumped in.

"Oh hush you two." She swatted Damien's arm lightly and sent me a glare. "Besides, it's getting late." She eyed the lowering sun. "Should we wrap up?"

I nodded.

"Yeah we probably should be getting back, anyway." I faced Damien, "Our neighbors are having a small beach bonfire tonight."

"They have the cutest kids!" Courtney squealed. Her voice frying as she squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her fists near her face. Damien laughed and held her fists with his hands for a moment.

"I'm sure they are." He began to slowly stand up, "I have to go find out where the heck I pay for my fries, but I'll see you guys Monday, yeah?" He pushed his chair back in.

"Yeah." I confirmed. Getting up to bring him into a hug. "Thank you again, Damien, really." I said into his ear. He thumped my back a few times with an open palm, a comforting gesture.

"Of course, dude. You know it." He said before pulling away. Holding my shoulders, he looked into my eyes for a moment. Thank you for this. He looked over at Courtney, sitting, her body bathed in the low sun.

"Have fun tonight, you two. Thanks for letting me crash your date." He winked, then walked off toward the waitress stand inside the restaurant. 

I sat back down and sighed, running my hands through my hair. 

"You good?" Courtney asked. Peering over at me, she folded her arms on the table.

"I am. I - I'm just." I reached over for her hand on the railing. "I'm just really glad we're on the same page." She nodded, smiling, playing with my fingertips, weaving them in between hers. 

"Me too, baby, me too."


lowkey a filler, but much needed Damien dialogue.

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