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courtney's pov -

Just as I threw on a white cropped shirt to compliment my black leggings, begrudgingly changing out of my post-shower comfy clothes, Shayne opened the door.

"Court?" He asked, shutting it. 

"Hey." I smiled, easing my way out of the room, over to the door. I planted a soft kiss on his lips and took a sip of his coffee. Snatching the cup from his hands as I laughed and backed up toward the bay window. 

"Sure, have a sip." He said. Grinning as he slapped a flat palm on his thigh. Pretending to be upset. 

I rolled my eyes. "So how's Chris?" 

"He's good." Shayne nodded. He bit back a smile. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Asked about Santa Monica. Wanted to know what's happening."

"Well," I smiled. "I'm glad he's doing alright." I shrugged, peering at Shayne as I took another swig of his coffee. 

I noticed his sudden lack of eye contact. The floor boards piqued his interest. 

"I am, too. He's happy we have the house now." Shayne said, a slight squeak echoed from his sneakers digging at the divets in the floor.

I hummed. Transfixed by his body language. What aren't you telling me?

"So, Shayney, what's the plan for the day?" I asked him, deciding to change the subject. Handing Shayne his almost empty coffee cup, I whizzed past him to the fridge. Pulling out a bottle of water.

"Want to go to down to the wharf?" 

"Fisherman's wharf?" I clarified, watching him as he headed into the bedroom. 

"Yeah. It's a little bit of a hike. But we could spend the rest of the day down in North Beach." Shayne said. I heard him shuffling around in the room. Shutting drawers lightly and rustling pockets of his windbreaker. 

"Let's do it." I smiled. Placing the waterbottle down, I walked into the bedroom. "What're you doing?" I asked lightly. A hand on the doorframe, the other on my hip. 

"Hm? Oh. Grabbing my wallet." He coughed out, fumbling for his wallet on the nightstand. 

"Okay." I shook my head and let it go. "Should I change?" Peering in the mirror across the room, I ran my hands along my torso. Flatting my shirt against my skin. 

Shayne looked over at me, bringing himself up to stand, a hand shoved in his pocket. 

"You could wear sweatpants and the biggest sweatshirt. And you'll still be the most beautiful person in the world." He said, taking a few steps over to me and standing behind me. Looking into the mirror he rested his chin on my left shoulder, his arms fastened around my torso, just below my ribs. 

I met his eyes in the mirror. 

"You're too good for me. You know that?" I said, my voice quiet. I smiled at him in the mirror, placing my hands on top of his. 

"Nah." Shayne laughed. Tilting his head to place a soft kiss on my neck. "We both know you're way out of my league."

"Shayne!" I playfully scolded, squirming in his grip as he started to tickle me. He laughed as I struggled to escape his grasp. 

Finally letting me go, he sprinted out of the room. Grabbing his sunglasses as he rushed past the counter toward the door. 

Giggling, I caught him at the front door. Capturing his wrists in my hands, I held them close to my chest. Sandwiching them between us. 

"I love you." I said. I just need to say it again. 

Shayne smiled, leaning in to kiss me. "Love you too." 


Dusk began to break when Shayne and I started to retrace our steps back through North Beach. 

We spent the day meandering through the small city. Weaving in between the Italian-esque streets. Ducking in and out of shops. Taking pictures of the beautiful views.

My camera roll from today was filled with pictures of Shayne standing in front of random objects. Fountains. Street signs. Pigeons. He insisted on doing the same exact pose in all of them - facing the camera, tight legs, and slightly bent arms. Just funny enough to make me laugh every single time.

"Wanna split a shake?" Shayne asked, pointing at a brightly lit, small shop, with an open screen door as we passed it.

"Only if it has Oreos." I winked. 

"Be right back." He smiled, walking into the shop. 

I stood on the sidewalk and pulled out my phone. Glancing down the street, I took a picture of the view to my left. Pedestrian traffic complimented the tall buildings looming over the roads. Lights were sporadic in the windows of the surrounding structures and I tried to capture the most magic I could with my camera. It looked like a painting. 

Music from a nearby tavern settled on the street. Clinks of glasses, and laughter from hidden restaurant patio groves drifted in, too. Creating an ambience that made me smile. So different than Santa Monica. 

"Inner photographer popping out, huh?" Shayne asked as he stepped out from the shop to meet me on the sidewalk.

I laughed. "It's such a gorgeous view. Had to take a picture." 

He chuckled and offered the styrofoam cup out to me. Overdone with a mountain of whipped cream and a cherry on top. And two pink straws poking out of the top.

"Cookies and cream." He reassured, taking a sip from the straw closest to him as we walked down the street, back toward the apartment. 

"Yum." I licked my lips, pinching the straw and guiding it closer. 

After a minute of relishing the taste, Shayne cleared his throat. 

"Hey, see that thing over there?" He pointed toward a cylindrical tower that rested atop a small hill.

"Oh yeah, that's Coit Tower." I said proudly. "Did some research while you were out today. Best view of North Beach up there." 

"Ah, look at you." He grinned. "Let's go up there. It's not too dark, yet." 

I nodded. Let's go. 


hope you like this one! I'm excited for the next chapter!

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