Chapter Five

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   I turned around happy to know that someone was coming for me. I screamed when I was met by a face only inches from mine.

   "A pretty one this one is, I bet we can get a pretty doller for her too." He brushed his hand against my face, and let me tell you he smelled bad. He crawled back to the back seat with me, I moved over to the other side of the car. "Is there something wrong pet?" He asked moving slightly closer to me.

   "Yes there is actually" I said, pulling knees close to me. "And have a name you know, I'm not someones pet either." He grinned.

   "Oh she can talk back. I'm half tempted to keep this one for myself." He brushed his hand across my face again. "I wonder if her body is as pretty as her face" he moved his hand down from my face to the bottom of my dress, he grabbed hold of it and tugged slightly. "I might just take a look" he began to pull up my dress when the car screeched to a stop. "What the hell was that!" The man removed his hand from my dress and moved look out the front of the car. I sighed in relief and looked out the back window. There was nothing , did they loose us or? My eyes widened at the possibility that I was going to be saved from these men soon. The car door opened behind me and I was pulled from the car. My hands were tied behind my back and I was pushed toward a house. I slowly walked up the steps and into the porch where a young woman opened the door.

    "Is this masters New pet sir?" The woman asked looking at me, scanning over body.

   "She might be. Can you go get him for us?" The man who drove said. The woman nodded and walked off, returning a few minutes later with a tall muscular man.  He walked to the side and allowed the three of us into his home. I was forced to follow the woman to the living room where I was pushed to my knees in the middle of the room. The muscular man circled around me playing with my hair, touching my face, exc. Eventually he keeled down in front of me, pulling my chin up so I was looking at him.

   "I like this one. How much do you want for her?" The man asked, staring into my eyes. Just then I heard the front door swing open and foot steps come toward the room we were in.

   "How about none. Why don't you return whats mine to me peacefully." I heard my brothers voice behind me. My heart jumped for joy. He did come for me!    The muscular man grabbed my waist and pulled me to my feet, holding a pocket knife to my neck.

   "Make another move and she gets hurt." The man said pressing the knife closer to my neck. I closed my eyes to hide the fear in them.

   "Shes not even trained, do you really want an untrained pet? I suggest you return her to me before someones hurt. Namely her or you" my brother said. A tear rolled down my cheek, I was scared, really scared.

   "Oh, shes not trained. Sounds like something new for me, to train a new pet." He pulled the knife away slightly. I slowly moved my arm, slow enough that talking with my brother detracted him from my moving body. I eventually got my hand up far enough to grab his wrist, and I did, I grabbed it. Not hard but just enough to get him to drop the knife, thank God for my long nails. I kicked the knife away, toward my brother. "You sneaky little thing!" He yelled letting go of me, I ran to my brothers arms. He smiled and hugged me. His warm embrace melting the fear away. He let go of me far too soon and he pushed me behind him.

   "Now that I have what is mine back. Will you allow me to leave in peace or will you need to be in pieces?" My brother looked at the man with a serious face, but his voice was somewhat calm. The man looked at my brother, glaring.

   "Ill let you leave peacefully this time. But next time something of yours lands my possession, I wont give it up so easily." My brother nodded and turned around. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the door. We got into his car and the driver drove off, back to the house. The ride was short and silent. We got to the house and my brother opened my door and let me out. We walked into the house and to living room where I collapsed into my brothers arms. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly rubbed my back. I just cried until I could cry no more, even after that he did not let go of me. We stayed like that until I fell asleep, after I fell asleep he carried me to my room and laid me on my bed then covered me up. He sat in a chair in my room and fell asleep at some point.

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