Chapter thirteen

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I stepped back and the man turned around and grabbed me. Throwing me over his sholder he carried me into the cabin. Why?! I have legs, I can walk. He set me down in the kitchen.

"So Elizabeth, do you know how to cook?" Max asked, I nodded of course I know how to, I a woman, I lived in the kitchen for the past two years. I laughed to myself. "Good, then help me cook dinner for the pack." I looked around.

"What exactly will we be cooking? Maybe stew of some sort?" I said scanning over the kitchen to see what I had to work with.

"That's actually not a bad idea. One problem though, I've never made stew." I sighed and sat on a stool that was near me.

"Then just help me find what I need and get it started. It's not that hard to make." He nodded and walked around me.

"What do you need?" He asked. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down the items I would need. He ran around the kitchen and grabbed everything. As he cut up the vegetables and meat, I started to boil the broth. Then we slowly added the vegetables and meat and let it cook. I washed my hands and sat back down.

"Told you it was easy." I said and smiled. Happy with my work. He looked out the window and rushed over to me.

"We need to go." He said and dragged me out of the kitchen. I yanked my hand away from him.

"I can walk on my own, thank you." I smart mouthed and followed him to the edge of the forest. He walked with me to the edge then told me to walk until I found a clearing. And that I was to wait there for Trent. I sighed and started walking. It was a shorter walk than I expected, when I got to the clearing I walked to the center and sat to wait. The moon began to come up over the tops of the trees. I looked up at it and the sound of howls began to come from all sides of me. I looked around for the source of the sound but could not find it. It was a full moon tonight. Soon after the sound of howls disappeared a man, no Trent, walked out from the trees.

"Hello Elizabeth." He smiled and walked toward me.

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