Chapter Fifteen

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     Light flowed throught the window into my room and onto my eye lids. I rubbed my eyes before opening them, trying to get as much sleepyness out of them. I looked over at the clock. eight o'clock, alright so what do i need to do before i tell them? I thought then getting up out of bed and putting clothes on. I walked out of my room and to the main cabin out of the group. I slowly opened the door and walked in. Where is everyone? Sleeping, or maybe out hunting? I guessed taking a seat in the room and grabbing my book off the table. I heard the door open and footsteps approach me. I turned around.

    "Morning Kevin," i said with a smile. He walked over to me and rested his arms on the back of the seat behind me. "Did you sleep well?" I asked looking at him.

    "Yes actually thanks for asking. What about you, i heard you had a late night visitor last night." Kevin said leaning in closer to me.

     "I did. But not even that late night visitor got an answer from me, so dont try asking." I said, almost reading his thoughts. He sighed sadly.

     "I know you did not choose me, Elizabeth. Why cant i know?" I thought for a moment. What excuse can i come up with?
     "I would rather tell everyone at one time than just one person. Sorry Kevin, it just makes things easer for me." He sighed again and walked around to sit next to me. I looked back at my book and started to read again. I did not get very far before i heard the door open again. Except this time more than one person entered, it actually ended up being the rest of the pack walking in. "You all heard that didnt you?" They all nodded, "and now you all want to know." They all nodded once more, i looked around, but someone was missing. "Wheres trent?" I asked.

     "He had a feeling that you choose someone older or younger than him, so he did not bother comming. Why?" Caleb said.

     "Im not telling unless everyone is here." I said crossing my arms. I heard the door open once more.

     "Everyone is here. Will you just spit it out already." Trents voice rang in my ears. I smiled and stood up. I walked around everyone to the figure leaning against the open door frame. I wrapped my arms around him and burried my face in his chest then mummbled.

     "Why dont you guess." I smiled widely and looked up at trent, a blush slowly creeping onto my face. He looked shocked and stared at me surprised.

     "You dont mean?" He pointed to himself and i nodded. The rest of the men cheered for him as he dragged me to the center of them all. He made the rest of the pack watch him, so he had proof that I was his, and his only. He walked around to me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

   "You're mine" He said and smiled as his teeth grew sharper. He put his lips on my neck and kissed it before biting down on my soft flesh. I howled out in pain, gripping his shirt. Slowly he pulled his teeth out of my flesh and licked away the blood. The wound quickly healed over but it left a mark. Which was weird considering I don't have scars and can't get them. I forgot all about what was going on around me, well that was until I was lifted of the ground.

  "Eh?!" I turned my head, Trent was carrying me somewhere. He walked out of the room and to his room where he kicked open the door and threw me on the bed. "Trent! What are you doing!" I yelled looking at him, both confused and scared. He crawled onto the bed and hovered over top of me.

  "Didn't I just say you're all mine? I think you know exactly what I'm going to do" He smiled devious and ripped my dress off me body. I screamed and tried to pull my legs up to my chest to hide myself. But he only held me down so I couldn't move. A tear rolled down my cheek

  "Please Trent, don't do this. I'm not ready." I said looking him in the eyes. He scanned his eyes over my body.

   "Your body says differently Elizabeth." He said. "Or is it just that you are ready but don't want it suddenly thrust apon you?" He said staring back into my eyes, I nodded. With a sigh he let go of me.

   "I love you Trent... but if you don't mind, could we do things slowly at first?" I asked while taking the covers and covering myself up.

   "You have one week to make your decision. After that you are getting it weather you want it or not." He hissed, clearly angry with me. I looked down and nodded again.

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