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Your eyes narrowed at the man before you, your hands bawled into fists. 

"So, you're telling me that you don't know where they are?"

The man shakes his head quickly, the duct tape around his mouth preventing him from speaking. A hum escapes your lips as you glance over to your henchmen. Understanding the signal, one retrieves a crowbar. A small grin appears on your face at the item. You turn your attention to the task at hand. 

"You know, There is something I completely hate. Would you like to know what it is?"

Your hand moves to grasp the man's hair, gripping and tilting his head back. He eagerly nods his head. You move your head close to his ear. 

"I cannot stand liars. And you wouldn't want to know what I do to them."

You roughly rip the duct tape from his lips and push him to the ground.
You begin to pace before him.  

"I will say this one last time. Where the fuck are my drugs?"

The man before you trembles viciously as if he couldn't speak a single word. You roll your eyes at the dramatics. 

"Listen, I'll let you go if you tell me where they are and who made you do all of this."

His eyes dart all around the room, reframing from looking into your own. The click of one of your henchmen's gun rings throughout the warehouse. This sound resulted in the man flinching rather aggressively.  

"They are at the bay of Osaka! Please just let me go. I have to go back to my wife!"

You tilt your head to the side, curiosity dancing in your pupils.

"And who exactly put it there?"

He tries to explain desperately, his eyes watering once again as tears stream down his wrinkly cheeks. Disgust is shown in your eyes from the display before you. 

 "I'm sorry, I can't tell you. He told me if I did he was going to kill my wife if I did!"

A wicked grin on your lips as you glower down at the man. He trembles with fear, his fingers shaking rigidly as he clasps onto himself. 

"I promise you, your fear is in the wrong person. If you think him killing your wife and family is horrible, Imagine the horrors I would do. Killing is nothing. I can humiliate you."

He finally gains the courage more so fear to point the culprit out. 

"His name is Daejeon. He is the one that promised to take you down and if I told anyone about him he would kill my family. Just please let me go!"

He pleads sounded like scratches on a chalkboard. Irritatingly getting squeaker and squeaker. 

"Fine, Just shut the fuck up."

A forced smile appears on the man's face. 

"Thank you so much, Dominique! You won't regret it."

You begin to walk away from the man. 

"No thank you. My friends will escort you on your way out of here."

You signal a man with a single glance as they all understand their job is to dispose. 

"What are you doing-!" 

His words were cut off with screams as they began to pummel him to the ground. 

"Thank you for your wife, It was a pleasure doing business with ya." 

You cackle as you make your way to your black Ferrari and make plans to go home. 

"Such an eventful day. Now to find out who the fuck Daejon is. The life of a villain never ends."





A body has been found. 

On the morning of February 23, a body was found near Osaka's Bay. The body was covered in blood and snow. We have asked the police if there were any leads but, they do not have any clues. We will make sure to update you on this tragic event. 


𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕿𝖔𝖉𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖎 𝕾𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖔

Shoto heard a knock on his office door and he gave a small 'come on' to allow them to enter. 

"Sir Shouto, You have been assigned the case of the murder that happened last night."

A small sigh escapes Shouto's lips as he glances at his assistant from the pile of papers on his desk. He rubs his eyebrows together. 

"Thank you, I will take a look at them now."

The assistant nods her head and leaves the file on top of Shouto's desk. His eyes scanned the information and read it aloud. 

"Botan Matsuo. 32 years old. Short black hair, pale skin, and dark brown eyes. His wife has been questioned. She does not seem to be aware of who would kill her husband. Neighbors have also been questioned to no avail as they are also oblivious as to why he would be killed."

That means he would have to check his friends and his job. Shouto sighs and places the files away from the stack of paperwork he has to do. Making sure that they didn't intertwine and mix with one another. 

"The life of a hero never ends." 

He mutters to himself. 

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