••¤('פ Side Story Six ¤×')¤••

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Lemon Warning 

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Lemon Warning 

Third Person Point of View 

YN's eyes fluttered open, the dark room is spinning. His eyes darted around the room. His lower regions were quiet warm so his eyes land down there. His taken aback by Shoto sucking and licking his cock. His eyes widened in shock. "W-wha? S-shoto, what are you doing?" YN basicallly shouts. YN felt Shoto's lips form a smile around his cock. Shoto removes his mouth from his member. He looks up at YN, his eyes hazy and dark with lust. 

"Glad to see your up." Shoto states possessively, his hands roaming YN's legs. YN's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "What the hell are you doing? I thought I told you no." YN states firmly. Shoto puckers his bottom lip out. His eyes became big and round. YN bites back a yes. His eyes narrowed at Shoto before he lets out a sigh in defeat. 

"Fine. But this is gonna be a punishment," Before Shoto could do anything, YN flipped them over. He gripped Shoto's wrist and held them above his head. Shoto's jaw dropped in amazement of YN's strength. YN's eyes had a red color to it. He moved his lips near Shoto's ears. "You've been a bad boy" (I just got Despicable Me flashbacks-)

Shoto arched his back in excitement. The desire to be near YN was high. His body began to both rise and fall in temperature. His left side burning up and his right side becoming cold. But soon enough, both sides of Shoto would be warm. YN watched Shoto's face heat up in excitement. He watched the way Shoto's eyes darkened with lust. 

YN's finger travels down to Shoto's puckered hole. He plays with it, running a single finger over the hole. Shoto lets out a whimper. "Please, YN." Shoto's breathing became unsteady. YN enters two fingers into Shoto's (bootie) hole. A gasp escapes Shoto's lips. He lets out a small moan when YN began to move his fingers inside of him. 

Shoto's members was against his stomach, the head was swollen and pink. "You've been such a bad boy. Waking me up with a sloopy blow job. You know, I almost came too." YN's deep voice echoed through Shoto's ears. Shoto moves his hand down to YN's cock, grasping it and running his hand up and down it. 

The fast motion made YN let out a groan. Shoto let out another gasp when YN jammed three fingers into him, pulling them in and out in a quick pace. YN moved his head next to Shoto. "You know how I like it. Painting your insides with my cum." Shoto's cock twitched and YN noticed. His lips lift up into another sexy smirk. 

"You love it when I talk dirty to you, Don't you, Prince." YN growls into his ear. Shoto lets out a whine and nods quickly. YN continues to slam his fingers into Shoto, making sure to hit his prostate. Shoto breathing began to quicken, he arched his back in ecstasy. He was so close to cumming that was until YN stopped completely. 

He is quick to look up at YN, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. "What do you think-" He was cut off by his own moan. YN had pushed himself into Shoto. A long and loud moan escapes Shoto's lips. "F-Fuck." YN mutters out, his eyes shut. "So fucking tight." YN pulls out of Shoto before slamming back into him. 

YN did brutal thrusts into the smaller male. All Shoto could do was hold on for the ride. YN gripped his waist as he slammed into him. Hitting that spot that made Shoto's toes curl. With the resetless pounding, it made Shoto a drooling mess. His hole clenched down onto YN. YN lets out a silent grunt. 

He was balls deep into Shoto, slamming himself into rougher and faster. It didn't take long for Shoto to cum. He was recently on his third. When Shoto clenched onto YN one last time, that was when YN buried himself into Shoto deeply. He placed his head next to Shoto's ear and bit down onto his neck, leaving a mark and some blood. 

Shoto lets out a scream in ecstasy and YN lets out a tried grunt. The two were both panting. Shoto was getting ready to remove himself from YN. That was until YN gripped his waist. "Who said I was done." YN growls possessively. Shoto's eyes widened in shock. "I-I." But that didn't matter because YN was rock hard once again. 

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