•°¯'•• Side Story Three ••'¯°•

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

Katsuki scoffs. "Yeah, And what's it to you?" Katsuki growls out, looking away from YN. YN continues to smile kindly, his eyes closed and his lips lift up into a sweet smile. "I'm quite a big fan." YN explains. "Oh really?" Eijirou questions YN. Katsuki side glance YN. "Yeah, I'm also a big fan of you Red Riot. And I love it when you two team up! My favorite move to Rock Shooter! Where Red Riot throws Ground Zero towards the villain and Ground Zero uses his quirk to blow them up!" YN began to get lost in his rambles. 

Eijirou's cheeks become pink and he scratches the side of his cheek. A nervous smile on his lips. "Thanks man. I'm glad you like me." Eijirou gushes. Katsuki's cheeks were bright red and he still had the scowl on his lips. "Of course, I'm amazing." Katsuki mutters. "More than you know! You all are amazing heroes!" YN turns to the others. "Alright, Alright! Sit down already!" Denki drags YN to a seat. Shoto tenses up at the sudden contact between the two. 

Shoto's eyes narrowed at Denki. "Shoto." YN calls. Shoto is quick to turn to YN. Shoto's heart melted at the sight of the sweet soft smile on YN's lips. "Come sit with me." YN pats the seat next to him and Shoto nods quickly. Shoto sat between YN and Izuku and YN sat between Shoto and Denki. "Time to party!" Hanta states excitedly. 

Before long, Almost everyone were drunk. And YN was one of them. He leans towards the table. "G-Guys!" He slurs out. Everyone turns to him curiously. "W-what if I told you guys..." YN threw his head back, a sloppy smug grin on his lips. He threw his head back down, his eyes lock with Katsuki. "What if I told you guys I was a villain?" YN questions, his sharp teeth being shown. Katsuki tenses up, his eyes narrowed at YN. 

Shoto lets out a chuckle. "Don't be ridiculous! I think I would know if I was going to date a villain." YN's eyes never left Katsuki's. Katsuki's eyes widened when he saw YN's eyes turn blood red. Katsuki was quick to stand on his feet. "Woah, Woah. Bakubro, you good?" Eijirou asks. Katsuki glances at Eijirou then YN. Surprised to see his eyes went back to normal. "I think I forgot to feed my dog." Before anyone could say anything, Katsuki left. Swinging his jacket over his shoulders. 

Everyone was silent. "But he doesn't have a dog." Eijirou mumbles. YN's lips pucker out into a pout. "I think it was me. He probably didn't feel comfortable with me yet." YN states sadly. Everyone is quick to comfort YN. "No, No, No! It's not like that, I'm sure Bakubro likes you!" Eijirou states. Shoto places his hand on top of YN's. YN turns to Shoto, his eyes soften when he comes with contact with the warm smile on Shoto's lips. It made YN's heart flutter. 

The two peered into another eyes. "YN." Shoto spoke softly. YN's heart was thumping harshly against his chest. His lips lift up into a small smile, he nods his head. Letting his head bow and bring it straight back up afterwards. "You love birds make me hate being single." Denki mumbles. Shoto turns to his friends. "We should be going home. Good night everyone." Shoto stands up, taking YN's hand softly. "Bye guys!" 

When the two were outside and out of the sights of his friends, Shoto leans towards YN's ear. "YN, You been a bad boy." YN tenses up when he pulled the car door open. YN glances at Shoto, who had his eyes narrowed at YN. YN hops into Shoto's sports car. Shoto got into the car too. YN reaches to turn the on button for the car. "I saw the way you were looking at Katsuki." YN pauses, he moves his body to turn towards Shoto. "Shoto, Sweetie. It isn't like I fucked him." YN states, moving his shoulders up and dropping them back into place. Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Yeah, but you were thinking about it!" Shoto growls. 

YN's eyes widened at the newfound anger coming from Shoto. "You're supposed to only think about me! Not anyone else! I am your boyfriend. Your soon to be husband! I'm yours and Your mine! There is no one else!" Shoto snaps. He turned his head towards the front of the car. YN's lips formed a straight line, his e/c eyes went dull. "It wasn't even that serious." He mutters. Shoto broke his neck turning towards YN. Small litters of fire coming from his left side. "It's not that serious!? You're not getting nothing tonight!" Shoto states firmly. 

"You can't be serious." YN shook his head as he drove off to their apartment. Shoto lets out a heavy huff of air. "You're not serious." YN says again, more firm. Shoto crosses his arms against his chest. "We'll see about that." Shoto states simply, moving his head to look out his window. YN grumbles under his breath. "I'm not even supposed to be driving. Like the fuck, I'm drunk. Like no drink and driving kids my ass." YN mumbles angrily to himself.


Omg I love fluff so fucking much but then again I also love Smut so like- This story is to make up for my obsession for the two. You guys better soak up all these damn updates cause stupid ass school is starting for me. And I'm starting to write Haikyuu fanfics, working on right now. I really like it because it happened in a dream, I guess I shifted or some shit. 

It's called Sun N' Moon. It's a Yandere Kuroo x Tsundere Oc. So basically they come across one another in college. Yumemi (oc) is a happy girl and social. Nice to everyone but one. Kuroo fucking Testurou, a play boy millionare. Kuroo didnt get into the college through a scholarship like Yumemi. (Who worked her ass off in High school to get that damn scholarship) His family donates money to the school, Which made him favoured by teachers and other workers in the school. He was also favoured by girls but he was surprised by Yumemi's hatred. And he became interested by her. It's basic but I want to put as much fluff into a Yandere story which needs to be creepy but leave me alone. 

And damn some of ya hopped on Locker Room so damn quick- I want to update it but I'm afraid cause I know what happens at the end- Aaahhh!

I want to watch Saiki on fuckin netflix, fuck school, i love fanfic, and i want to hump Daichi's thick ass thighs. 

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