Villain Thangs (4)

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Author's Point of View

The sun was just getting up. The bird were chirping outside your window of the shared apartment you and Shoto own. You are just now getting up, sprawled over the bed. Your eyes flutter open and they went straight to the clock. You check the time. 8:30 am not so bad. Since you usually wake up at 12 pm.

You felt a presence next to you, you closed your eyes. A sleepy smile formed on your lips as you go over to wrap your arms around him. "ah, Good morning babe." Your voice was deep and scratchy. "Good morning sleepy head." You were shocked by how deep his voice was. Your eyes open slowly. 

"Hey-AAAAAH." You yell in shock. "What the? Dabi what the fuck-" He crawls over to you as you make your way back. You eventually fall off the bed. You let out a groan and rub your back. For some reason it felt horrible. You look up to see an amused grin on Dabi's lips. "What the hell are you doing here? Where is Sho?" You shout towards Dabi. 

"Shoto is making breakfast. He said it's the least he could do. Don't you remember last night?" Dabi rests his chin on his palm, a smug grin on his lips. You squint your eyes in confusion. "No, w-what happened last night? Does it have something to do with my back?" You question Dabi. He chuckles and nods.

"Yup. You had a lot to drink last night and Shoto asked a very big question." You look at dabi and then the messed up sheets. "What was the question?" You ask cautiously. You were slowly getting up off of the floor. "He asked if you guys would do a train." Dabi responds. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"A train?" Your head moves forwards and your eyes squint. Giving Dabi a 'what the fuck are you talking about?' glance. Dabi chuckles. "A train in bed, YN." You are still silent and then your eyes widened in shock. "Wait!" Your voice got really high pitched as you tried to connect the dots. "Are you saying-"

You were on the verge of tears. "Are you saying all three of us were fucking? You were fucking my ass?" Dabi was cut off by your tears. "Woah, Woah. Calm down, It isn't that serious." Dabi tries to comfort you. Setting himself up on the bed and watching you seriously. Your hand went over your mouth. 

"No, Oh my god. Cause no. Like, you are a piece of burnt bacon. You are bacon bitch and you fucking my ass is like putting a few pieces of burnt bacon up my ass. Tell me you didn't cum in my ass." You cry out. Dabi was cut off guard. "Is this what you think about me?" He asks. "What do you mean? I always thought of you like this. And you know that."

Dabi's eyebrows furrowed in frustration and high offense. "Oh really? Well then I came in your ass." You tackle Dabi, shaking him. "What do you mean you came in me?! You stupid bitch! What if I get pregnant-" You and Dabi stare into another eyes. Dabi's eyes were laced with confusion and your eyes were filled with rage and cloudy from drugs. 

Shoto stood in the doorway. "What are you two doing?" You quickly look up at Shoto. "SHO! Baby!" You drop Dabi and quickly went over to Shoto on your knees. "I am so sorry, baby. I didn't mean for this to happen. Leave me if you want. I don't deserve you, you are so amazing for staying with trash like me." 

Shoto looks at Dabi and then back to you. "Yubu, What are you talking about?" Shoto questions you. You point aggressively towards Dabi. "He came in my ass and now I'm going to get pregnant!" You cried into Shoto's shirt. Shoto's eyes land on Dabi. Giving him a questioning gaze. "He is still high." Shoto nods slowly. 
Yubu is a random nickname for you

You had dragged shoto to the bed to cuddle. You had pathetically cried into his neck. Shoto and Dabi just shrugged their shoulders and continued with it. "I'm sorry, YN." Shoto  whispers. And before long you were fast asleep in Shoto's arms. 

Yeah sorry for not updating for like 2 months. But I hope these two updates back to back is appealing to you. Still thinking of the ending. But there will be more smut in it. 

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