(¯'·.¸¸.·'¯'·.¸¸.-> Side Story Eight <-.¸¸.·'¯'·.¸¸.·'¯)

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Third Person Point of View

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Third Person Point of View

Shoto is quick to change to open the door. Now YN was alone in the room. Haru then appears. "Ahem." He calls out. YN turns to him, his lips curve up into a smirk. "Where have you been, Haru-Chan?" YN purrs out. Haru narrows his eyes at YN. "Getting away from you two, obviously." Sweat dripped down YN's temple. "Ah, Sorry about that. But where did you go?" YN asks, moving the blanket to reveal his naked form. 

Haru quickly shields his eyes with his hands. YN puts on some boxers and sweatpants. "I went home." He states, YN freezes. His eyebrows furrowed in anger and he turns to Haru. "You went home?" He repeats. Haru's eyes widened, dropping his hands. Haru looked down at the ground, his form began to tremble. "What have I told you about that place?" YN questions darkly, his hair shielded his eyes.  

"YN, I'm fine. It's not so scary anymore." Haru reassures YN. YN stares into Haru's eyes. Which were a honest forest green, no lie wavering through them. YN lets out a defeated sigh. "Haru, You're like a little brother to me." Haru felt his heart throb. He lets out a small hum in acknowledgement. "I don't want anything to happen to you. And I want you to stay happy. You have no idea how much pain I was in when I lost you." YN mumbles, outlining a few scars on his wrists. 

Haru's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "But I'm here now. See!" YN lets out a crooked smile. He drags Haru towards him and buries him in an embrace. Haru's eyes expanded in surprise. He was taken aback by the hug. He bit his bottom lip, trying to hold back the tears. But it didn't take long for Haru to break down into tears. He held onto YN tightly. Tears streaming down his cheeks as he shook his head into YN's chest. "I missed you so much." Haru cries out. YN smiles softly, petting Haru's head while he cried into YN's chest. "I missed you too." YN whispers. 

"YN!" Shoto's voice was heard. Haru slowly looks up at YN, his eyes shown in sadness. "You have to go..." He mumbles sadly. YN sends him a small smile. He ruffles his hair and turns away. "Don't worry. I'll always be here for you." YN tells Haru. Haru heart aches. He knew how important he was to YN. And he's still disappointed in himself ever since he saw YN again. He would never be with YN the way he wants to be. He will forever be a ghost. He is reminded that everytime he sees Shoto and YN together. But he can't help but feel sadness gobble him whole. 

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