•'¯'•» Side Story Four «•'¯'•

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Third Person Point of View

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Third Person Point of View

When the two got home, Shoto was quick to take a shower. YN was in their shared room, taking off his clothes. He was left in his dress shirt and boxers. YN lets out a tired huff and collapses onto the bed. YN closes his eyes and began to think to himself. 'He wouldn't do that. Right?' The bathroom door opens which makes YN perk up. He opens his left eye and watched Shoto enter the room. 

Shoto had blue briefs and YN's shirt. YN rolled his eyes and looks up at the ceiling. 'Of fucking course.' He thought to himself in annoyance. Shoto slides under the covers and faces away from YN. YN gets off the bed and leaves the room to also take a shower. 

While YN was showering, Shoto held onto the sheets tightly. His eyebrows furrowed. 'Maybe I'm being too harsh?' He thought to himself. Shoto lets out a huff. "As if. He'll be fine." But Shoto went quiet when he heard some noises. Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, He gets out of the bed and moves towards the bathroom door. 

"Can you believe that, Haru? He said I couldn't get ass tonight." Shoto heard YN complain. But what surprised him the most was that, someone talked back. "YN, You're being childish." Shoto's eyes widened and he quickly turns his head to the night stand next to YN's side of the bed. And on that night stand lays YN's phone. Shoto began to blink furiously and his face paled. He knocks on the door. "oh shit-" Shoto heard YN whisper-yell. "YN, You ok?" Shoto questions. 

"Why do you care?" The unfamiliar voice growls. "Haru, shut the fuck up. Do you want to be discovered?" YN growls back. Shoto just sat back and listened curiously. "It's not my fault that you didn't tell him," The voice snaps back. "Haru, You're being really rude right now. Keep this up, and this will be the last time you chill with me in the bathroom." YN states firmly. "Awww... I'm sorry. No." Haru whines. 

Shoto knocks again. "Who are you talking to?" Shoto yells through the door. "I-Um..." YN began to stutter for the first time. "Nobody. I'll be out in a minute." Shoto's eyes narrowed in curiosity. He needs to find a way to make YN tell him who's Haru. Shoto's eyes widened when he thought of an great idea. He ran towards the closet and got out a bag. He digs in the bag and smiles when he takes the clothes out. He was quick to put the clothes on. And rushes to the bed. 

YN leaves the bathroom, a towel on top of his head and he wore his boxers. A bit of water dripping down his bare chest, steam exiting into their shared room. YN had his eyes closed as he dried his hair. "Sorry I took so-" YN cut himself off when he looked up and saw Shoto. His lips lift up into a smirk. "I thought I wasn't getting anything tonight." YN walks over to his side of the bed. Keeping his back towards Shoto, who was wearing red Lingerie. 

Shoto's eyes darkened. "I changed my mind." He purrs, pressing himself onto YN's back. He buried his head into YN's neck. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. Let me make it up to you." Shoto whispers into YN's ear. YN turns to Shoto, smashing their lips together into a deep and rough kiss. When they let go of another, Shoto was out of breath. YN looks into Shoto's dark and hazy eyes. "Sorry, Babe. I forgive you but I hope you can forgive me. But I'm not in the mood." YN sends Shoto a bright smile. Shoto's smile falls and his eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Why? Do you not want to have sex with me?" Shoto questions angrily, he removed himself from YN. 

YN began to sweat nervously. "It isn't you. (It's just that Haru is standing right there...)" Shoto narrowed his eyes at YN. "What? I couldn't hear the last part." Shoto states.  YN freezes as he looked at the corner of the room. In his eyes Haru was glaring at YN which was ten times worse than Shoto's anger. YN gulps, a drop of sweat rolled down his temple. "I-I'm just tired." YN mumbles. He climbs under the covers and rolls away from Shoto. Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in anger and his nose scrunched up. "Hmph. Fine!" He mutters and goes under the covers as well. 

Time has passed since YN went to sleep but Shoto was still up. And sadly horny. Shoto's member throbbed against his briefs. He turns towards YN's sleeping form. Shoto narrows his eyes for a minute before removing the blanket from YN's body. Shoto climbs on top of YN's sleeping figure. Shoto's fingers began to trail up and down YN's bare chest. He was silent amazed on how well built YN was. Especially since YN eats a lot and doesn't seem to work out a lot. But then again, YN thinks sex is a type of exercise. 

"He ate a lot, it's time for his work out." Shoto hums to himself, unknown to the dark figure in the corner, watching everything. 

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