Villain Thangs (2)

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Listen to the fucking song tho-

Author's Point of View

You were chilling in the League of Villain's Hideout. Making your villain playlist on both youtube and Spotify. You are too "poor" to use Apple Music. That's when you start to hear someone singing. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and follow the sound. 

When you stop in front of Shigaraki's room, you slowly open the door. The door swings open and your eyes widened at the sight before you. Shigaraki is in a maid outfit standing on top of his bed. "I tried to blow 'em." 

Your draw dropped as Shigaraki began singing/rapping. "What the fuck is going on here?" You yell. Shigaraki is surprised by your loud voice and he falls off his bed. "What the hell are you doing in my fucking room?" Shigaraki yells. 

"It isn't my fault I heard your gay ass song." You spit back. Shigaraki narrows his eyes towards you. He then sprints towards you. "Ack, Shigaraki Stop!" You shout. Shigaraki had you pinned on the floor. 

"You better not tell any fucking body or I will kill you." Shigaraki growls out. You roll your eyes. "Yeah, Yeah." Your lips lift up into a smirk. "Piss baby." You add. Shigaraki pulls out his five fingers but he was stop by a voice.

"Ya fucking?" Dabi stood in the doorway, watching the two with a devilish smirk. 

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