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"The fuck do you mean they aren't there?"

Your voice rang throughout the phone, your hands clutching onto the steering wheel. 

"We searched all over, Sir. The medicine is nowhere to be found."

You begin to slap your palms against the steering wheel with a quick tadum. Your eyebrows twitch in annoyance as a deep sigh escapes your lips. Realizing the motherfucker was lying all along. 

'He sure is lucky to be dead or I would have tortured him myself. Fucking asshole, now I am glad I slept with his whore wife.'

"What do I do now boss?"

Your fingers tap on the steering wheel as you hum in thought. 

"Get information on this Daejeon guy. As much as you can find."

"Yes sir"

You hang up the phone quickly. Fury filled your whole body as you should've asked if he saw him place the medicine in that location. You cursed yourself for being so reckless and straightforward. If you hadn't been so hasty, you would have known the real location of the medicine. 

Your car pulls into the hospital's parking garage. Your whole demeanor softens at the sight of the building. You grab the bouquet in your passenger seat before you exit the car. You are quick to enter the hospital, holding onto the flowers tightly. You make your way to the front desk. Reaching the front desk, the receptionist seemed to be in her world as she scrolled through social media. 


Your voice had shaken her a bit as she quickly looked up to see you. Her whole face lights up into a pink hue color as she stutters out your name.

"You're here!"

She squeaks the words out. You let out a small chuckle as you ask the question. 

"Yes, I'm here to see is my mother free today?"

A smile appears on her lips as she nods her head. 

"She's free at the moment. But tomorrow she will be having tests done. Some blood work and others."

You hum in acknowledgment, beginning to make your way to your mother's room. You were stopped by the sound of the nurse calling out to you. Your head leans to the side as you glance at her. 

"How can I help you?"

She is right before you, phone in hand as she nervously stares at the ground. 

"I would like it if we went out tomorrow while your mother has her check-up. I have no work tomorrow and I don't know what to do..."

Your eyes slightly turn dark but your features return to your charming personality. 

"I am so sorry to hear that. Sadly, I am not free tomorrow. Work needs me."

You could visibly see the nurse's heart-melting at your words. The toothy grin on her face completely glue to her face. 

"No need to get all sad on me. I am sure we can work out a coffee date during your lunch break sometime after tomorrow."

𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻  ˢ. ᵀᵒᵈᵒʳᵒᵏⁱ (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now