Villain Thangs (3)

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Author's Point of view

You were currently jamming while working out in the room you have in the league of villain's hideout. "STEP YOUR PUSSY GAME, HUNNY!" You hear yelling from the hallway. You look around your room for a second. What the hell did you just hear? You decide to get up and look into the hallway to see it's empty.

"Yo, Who said that?" You yell out. "Wasn't me." A deep voice whispers behind you. You jump in surprise and whip around to see Dabi. "Jesus Dabi. What are you doing right behind me?" You chuckled nervously. Dabi smirks, he doesn't even answer your question. "I see you were working out." He points out to your naked chest.

"I mean yeah, I have to stay fit, you know? Can't have the heroes catching me." You chuckle. Dabi's eyes ran along your body. "Yeah, I definitely know what you mean." Dabi responds. "Did you hear that yelling?" You ask him. Dabi leans against your back to peer over your head. "Nah, I didn't hear anything, What did you hear?"

You hum to yourself in confusion. "That's weird cause I heard someone screaming." You tell him. Dabi watched you as you move back into your room. Dabi grabs your arm before you completely leave. "Hey, Wanna see something cool?" Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Sure?" Dabi yanks you into his room right next door to yours.

Dabi pushes you in. You didn't notice Dabi locking the door. "What did you want to show me?" Your back was turned towards Dabi while your eyes examine the room. But before you could do anything, Dabi was on you. "Dude, Back up." You push him away, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Hurry up and show me whatever it is." 

Dabi moves to his closet and pulls out two bottles of liquor. Your lips move up into a smirk. "Drinking contest?" Dabi chuckles. "Drinking contest." You hop onto Dabi's bed, waiting patiently for Dabi to pour a cup. Dabi fills a cup with the drink and hands it to you. You happily take it from his hands and begins to take a sip. 

A coughed ripped through your throat, you moved the drink quickly as you began a cough fit. "Jesus Christ, That shit is strong." Dabi chuckles at your response. "Yeah, It's the good shit." Dabi responds. You glance at Dabi and the drink. "Did you think you would win if you gave me this? Ha, As if, you half baked piece of shit." You snickered at Dabi's glare that was directed towards you. 

Dabi brings his cup up to his lips, which were shaped in a smug grin. "We'll see. Whoever wins the loser has to do anything the winner says." You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, Yeah. Get to it already." Your thumb brushing up and down the side of the glass cup. Dabi snickers. "We will be drinking until someone is completely wasted." 

You shrug your shoulders. "Ok, Sure. Let's do it." But in the next 30 minutes, You were laughing at absolutely nothing. Dabi snickers and place his arm around your neck. "It seems like you lost." Dabi grins. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips puckered. "No, I didn't. You lost." You words were slurred and mocking. 

Dabi pulls up two fingers. "How many fingers am I pulling up?" You stare at his fingers. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Blue?" You answered. "Nope! It's two not blue. Now it's time for my prize." Dabi licks his lips as his eyes scan over your body. "Eh, Go ahead. I don't care. You probably gonna make me sell some drugs for you." 

Dabi pulls you onto his lap. "No actually," He had his lips on your neck. You weakly slap his hand. "Stop, I have a boyfriend. His name is Shoto Todoroki. And he is so cute. Oh you should see him." Dabi rolls his eyes. "StAPH, I can't do this stuff without his permission. And if you ask him it's most likely no, so ha. Get offff!" You wobbled in Dabi's grasp. 

"You wanna bet?" Dabi dials Shoto. "Hello?" Shoto answers. "Remember you said you wanted a threesome with YN. With all of us. And you knew he would never agree to it?" Dabi asked, his hands slipping over your exposed chest. "Yeah... Why are you bringing it up?" Shoto whispers suspiciously. 

"Well, He agreed when I asked him." There was silence on the other line. Dabi didn't really care as he latched his mouth onto your shoulder. "Come over to our place. I'll be there in 15 minutes." Shoto then hangs up the phone. "See, YN. Shoto wants this too. So let's go and see your "cute" boyfriend." 

You nod happily, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of Shoto. "Yes, I wanna see Sho. Right now!" You stumbled out of Dabi's arms and scramble towards the door. Grabbing one of Dabi's hoodies as well. I mean you didn't really have a shirt on and you didn't want to catch a cold. Even though-

Even though the thought of seeing  Shoto in a cute little apron was appealing while you were sick in bed. You couldn't do that to him. Even if you were a villain and Shoto was a hero. You were still a decent human fucking being. So you hurriedly went to the shared apartment you both had. Dabi right behind you as well. 

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