·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Side Story One ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

YN hands glide through his hair. A soft sigh escaped his lip. His hands went down to straighten up his black suit. His e/c eyes scan the room, looking for his partner. His eyes then lock with a certain bi-colored ones. Shoto's eyes widened as YN walked towards him. He couldn't help but feel his heart thump harshly against his chest. Shoto's cheeks flushed and he began to smile stupidly. He wouldn't be able to stop smiling even if he wanted to. YN's lips lift up into a smirk once he saw Shoto's expression. 

YN stood before him

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YN stood before him. "Good evening, Shoto Todoroki." His name rolled off his tongue, it was smooth and deep. YN's voice echoed through Shoto's ear. It made Shoto love his name. "H-Hello, Y-YN L-LN." Shoto stutters out. YN chuckles at his nervousness. He leans down to Shoto's smaller figure. "Relax, There is no need to be so uptight. It's just me." YN whispers into his ear. Shoto nods quickly, a small smile on his lips. Shoto nods quickly. 

"So, Let's meet your old classmates and friends." YN had his arm wrapped around Shoto's waist. "Y-yeah." Shoto mumbles. YN glances at him but then looks forward to see where he was going. The walk was silent which concerned YN. "I hope your friends like me."  YN exclaims, closing his eyes but peaking one open to sneak a glance at Shoto. Shoto whips towards YN's face. "What? Don't worry, they'll love you! Just like I do." YN tenses up at the sudden confession, but he was quick to compose himself. Unknown to the fact that Shoto saw that whole out of character moment. 

"Ahem. Thanks. You had me a little worried there. You were silent for awhile." YN explains. "O-Oh, Sorry about that. I'm kind of nervous." Shoto admits, scratching the back of his neck nervously. YN stops in his tracks, making Shoto also stop and turn around. Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"What's wrong?" Shoto asks. "Shoto, You do know I intend on marrying you, right?" Shoto's eyes widened. "Y-You are? B-But why?" Tears began to form at the tips of Shoto's eyes. YN quickly walks up to Shoto and wraps his arms around Shoto. "Hey, Hey. Of course I am. And there are many reasons that are why." Shoto looks up at YN. "All good reasons right?" He asks. YN's lips lift up into a slight smirk. "Of course. Both good and bad reasons." Shoto was about to protest but YN lands a kiss on his lips before he could say anything. 

"I will have to take all the good and bad things when we get married you know." YN places his head into the crook of Shoto's neck. "You'll have to do the same, you know?" Shoto was trying to hold back sobs of enjoyment. He only nods, clutching onto YN's upper body. "Alright, wipe your tears. We can't have everyone think I made you cry about something bad." YN swipes his thumb softly against Shoto's eyes, wiping away his tears. "A-Alright, Let's go." Shoto smiles up at YN, having more confidence radiating off his body. "Great, Let's get it!" 

This is dedicated for miss Wolfypat. She make me smile. Give her some love~

And she lowkey got a Shigaraki x reader Oneshots. And ever since Yagami Yato's Shigaraki audios, I have been simping for that man like crazy. So like give her some love. I still don't know if requests are open cause I got some crazy requests-

If requests aren't open, I'm just gonna write them here. 

1. Title: Don't Know My Name

You are Tenko's or Shigaraki's childhood friend. You were shocked when you found out that your childhood friend was the leader of the famous villain group the league of villains. So you go to look for him. And when you find him, you surprise Shigaraki because he thought he would never see you again. But he is even more surprise when you ask him to join the league of villains. He knows you are quirkless and is quick to say no. But you tell him you will give your life for the league of villains, for him. And since he did have a crush on you, he couldn't really say no. But he was unknown to the fact that you weren't completely quirkless. Your quirk was able to amplify people's quirk through physical contact. So when you tell everyone this, they began to think you wouldn't be completely uselss afterall. (fucking TenTen ass-) And when everyone goes off on their own missions or whatever, you are alone with Shigaraki. You ask him if he remembers you. He says he does. And you get very happy that you start crying and you begin to tell him how worried you were and how happy you are that you found him. 

2. Title: Night Terrors

It's just some fluff ya know. Shigaraki wakes up from a nightmare where you're taken from him. And he tries to get you back but most of the members of the league of villains are already captured and shigaraki has to get you back alone. But ends up getting captured. He wakes up quickly and startles you who was sleeping to turn to him. Shigaraki was quick to hug you *oh you have a quirk like deadpools. Like immense regeneration and anti-death all the way. So he's able to hug you without worrying about how many fingers lands on you* You pet his head and sooth him until he falls asleep once again. 

3. Title: Play wit MEH

Shigaraki kidnaps you, but you are not having any of that. You roast every single person in the room. And you had no filter on. And the reason they kidnapped you was because you have a powerful quirk which is the same as the second request where you aren't able to die or take damage. But like you killed everyone in the room with your roast. You left no one unharmed. Everyone felt your wrath. You literally called Shigaraki "crusty Hand job" and Dabi "A crinkle grape". You even told sweet ol' Twice off. Calling him a "fucking deadpool split personality piece of shit" like twice didn't deserve that but you gave it to him. 

4. Title: Heather

You like Dabi and Shigaraki likes you. So Shigaraki watches from the sidelines as you have fun with Dabi. Shigaraki starts to get mad at you because you are making him feel vulnerable and ends up in you leaving the league of villains. Which broke both Dabi's and Shigaraki's hearts. Dabi and Shigaraki fight and Shigaraki goes out to find you. And when he does he is heartbroken to see you beaten up in an alleyway. He takes you back to his room and cleans you up. When you wake up and ask why he helped you? He answers with a confession. And then you go out because ya cute. 

I hope you guys will like the side story, this shit is mostly fluff and smut. YN and Shoto are going to go at it like animals. Shoto isn't ready for YN's kinky ass. 

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