Villian Thangs

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SPOILS FOR MY HERO MANGA chapter 290 spoilers

AUthor's Point of View

You were making your way to the league of villain's hideout. Dabi had called you about a wonderful surprise. So here you are walking through the doors of the league of villains without your villain costume, to help keep this new hideout a hide out. 

(The last hideout got found out because Twice called for pizza and they realized they were the league of villains. And once Twice payed like a nice citizen and not a villain, the deliver left and called the police. Luckily they were able to leave before any heroes could capture them) 

You swing the door open and you are surprised to see Shoto, your boyfriend. Your eyes widened and tried to hide but it was too late. Shoto turned to you and saw you. "YN?" Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and surprise. You begin to sweat nervously. "Y-yeah, babe?" You anwer. You were shitting on yourself. 

Shoto stands up away from Dabi. "What are you doing here?" You then pause. You look at Dabi and then back at Shoto. "Wait, wait. Hold on. What are you a hero doing here?" You fold your arms across your chest. Shoto follows your eyes to Dabi. "What? No, I'm not cheating on you." Shoto cries out. 

You give him a blank expression. "So you are here with the league of villain's biggest fuck boy and you aren't cheating on me?" Shoto nods his head. Dabi silently watched, enjoying the scene. The smug grin on his lips showing. This was all planed by him to lowkey get you all to himself. 

"Shoto, Baby. If two plus two is four. And five plus five is ten. Then what the fuck is this?" You question him. Shoto turns to Dabi, trying to get some help from him. Dabi just shrugs his shoulders, hiding his smirk from Shoto. "Look, YN. We are related. He's my older brother. Remember Touya, I told you about him."

You look at Dabi once again and then Shoto. "Oh shit! Really? Dabi is touya. I knew something was fishy about your crusty ass but it is what it is." You laugh. Dabi glares at you, raising his hand to reveal his flames. "Call me crusty one more time and I will lit your ass. In both ways." Dabi or Touya adds. 

Shoto and You look at Dabi in disgust. "What? Listen, if you guys ever want a threesome. I'm down." Dabi shrugs. Shoto and You roll your eyes. "Anyway, Babe. What are you doing here?" Your eyes widened. 

Que the Crystal Dolphin by Engelwod playing in the background. 

"Gotta go, My fucking fish is on!" You yell and run out the door. Shoto and Dabi exchange looks. "I guess you are finally going to get what you want, Touya." Shoto exclaims. Dabi smirks and is quick to go after you. Shoto calmly makes his way home because he knows Dabi will come back with you. 

As you run from Dabi you pass Shigaraki and Twice. "HELPPP ME!" You yell as you run. Dabi smirks speeding towards you. "Bring that sexy ass over here!" Dabi shouts. Shigaraki and Twice exchange a look. "Should we help?" Twice questions him. Shigaraki hums in thought, the memory of you saying no when he wanted to fuck flashed before him. "heh, nah."

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