••.•'¯'•.•• Side Story Seven ••.•'¯'•.••

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Slight Lemon Warning

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Slight Lemon Warning

Third Person Point of View 

The sun risen from it's slumber and shined through the blinds. The sun directly on YN's eyes. The warmth of the sun woke up him. He flutters his eyes but hisses when it comes in contact with the light. He shields his eyes and looks around. The bed was a mess and there was clothes all over the place. 

YN turns his head to see a sleeping Shoto. A devious idea came to mind. YN rolled on top of Shoto. He examines Shoto with love sick eyes. Everything about the man before him was beautiful in YN's eyes. He buries his head into Shoto's revealed neck. YN takes a huge whiff of Shoto's neck. 

The scent of primroses came off from Shoto's skin. But YN also smelled the slightest bit of himself. YN's lips curve up into a smile. He begins to place kisses all over his neck. YN thought of a naughty idea. He bit down with his sharp teeth which made Shoto's eyes widened in surprise. His eyes went to look up at YN, who was towering over him. 

"Good morning, Sunshine." YN smirks. Shoto grumbles under his breath. "Can you move?" YN scoffs. "As if." YN latched onto Shoto's naked body once again. Shoto's eyes widened when he felt YN's hardened length. "W-we did it seven times! H-How can you- how?" Shoto stumbles on his words. 

YN gets his head from Shoto's neck and sends him a wink and a smirk. "How can I contain myself with someone as cute as you around?" YN purrs out. Shoto's cheeks were red. He averted his eyes and lets out a small mumble. But in the inside he was swooning and awing. "F-Fine." YN lets out a chuckle before getting to work. 


Shoto panted as he lays back into the bed. "Woo. That was fun, Prince." YN falls back to his side of the bed. Shoto was a sweating mess. "F-Fun?" Shoto whimpers out. YN smacks his hand over his mouth, trying to keep in a loud laugh. "Fun my ass. I'm gonna be sore. And I have work tomorrow." Shoto groans. Thats when YN burst into laughter. 

"I'm sorry babe. Let's cuddle. Will that make you feel better?" YN questions. Shoto is quick to turn to YN. He nods quickly. YN lets out a chuckle and wraps his big arms around Shoto's smaller form. 

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