꧁☬Chapter Five☬꧂

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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝕺𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜

YN flutters his eyes opened. He sits up in the bed, looking around the room. He soon realizes that it wasn't his own. Memories from last night flashed before his eyes. A small smirk on his lips as he gets up from the bed. He puts on his boxers. He looks around confusedly. 'Where's my shirt?' He shrugs it off and makes his way to the door. When he opened the door, he was hit with the scent of something delicious. YN's mouth began to water up in delight.

He was quick to enter the kitchen. His eyes land on Shouto wearing his shirt that went over his thighs. YN's eyes and mouth were wide in surprise and shock. He was surprised that Shouto actually looked good in his clothes. And he was shocked because Shouto looked like he was in his natural habitat.

YN takes long strides over to Shouto, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Well, Good Morning to you." Usually, YN would be out the door but this Shouto seems to be fun. He might like this one. Shouto lets out a hum in response. "Good morning. Sorry for taking your shirt. I just wanted to make your food before you woke up." Shouto says softly, he continued to flip a pancake. YN snuggles his head into Shouto's neck. "Awe, You're too kind." YN trails butterfly kisses on Shouto's marked neck.

"S-Stop. Do you want to starve?" Shouto moans out. A victorious smirk graces YN's lips. "Alright, Alright." YN chuckles. He unwraps his arms and sits on the table connected to the kitchen. It didn't take long for the food to finish. Shouto takes the two dishes to the table. He places it before YN and before a chair next to YN. YN was quick to dig in, "MMM, That's good." YN moans in delight. Shouto watches him as he eats. "You like it?" He asks hopefully. YN's cheeks were puffed out with food, he nods his head quickly. Shouto chuckles at him as YN goes back to eating.

Once the two finished eating, YN went to wash the dishes. Even though Shouto told him he could do it, YN wasn't going to be rude and just eat his food and leave. Shouto sat at the table connected to the kitchen, watching YN wash the dishes. "Shouto." Shouto perks up when his name is being called. "Yes?" He answers. YN turns to him halfway. His body still facing the sink but his head turned to the side. "You look really good in the kitchen. You would be a great wife, you know?"

Shouto's eyes softened at his words. "R-really?" Shouto shyly turns away. YN lets out a sigh and turns the water off. He takes a paper towel and begins to wipe the water off his hands. He makes his way to Shouto, a charming smile on his face making Shouto's heart flutter at the sight. "You would be a good wife, You have nice cooking skills. You're smart and cute, Huhuhu." YN pinches Shouto's cheeks. Shouto shyly looks at the floor, his cheeks becoming a tomato. "I wouldn't mind being your wife..." Shouto barely whispers. "Hm?" YN tilts his head curiously. Shouto shakes his head. "N-nothing." Shouto stutters out. YN chuckles but before he could say anything his phone rings. YN looks down at his phone and groans.

"What's wrong?" Shouto questions, beginning to get up. YN shakes his head and places the phone back on the counter. "Nothing, Just have to get ready for work in a few." Shouto pouts. "Aw, Don't get sad on me. I'll call you later, ok?" Shouto sighs and nods. "I better get home," YN mumbles and pats Shouto's head before moving to the bedroom. Getting ready to leave.

"Alright, I'll see you later Shouto." Shouto smiles and waves YN off. "Have a nice day." He cheerfully replies. Once the door closed, Shouto's eyes darkened. 'Soon, You won't be able to leave me. I'll have YN all to myself. He'll be mine and I'll be his.




YN leans against a pillar. He checked his watch. His eyebrow furrowed. 'They're fucking late." YN grumbles. The door of the warehouse opens with a loud creak. YN's eyes slowly go over to the entrance. Someone stood at the entrance. YN raises an eyebrow. "Are you guys the league of villains or what?" He yells out. Before they could say anything, YN felt his wrist being pulled upon, his eyes widened as he falls back. In an instant, he closes his eyes. He fell on the floor, he lets out a grunt. He rubs his sides, he is surprised to see that he is somewhere else. Not in the warehouse he was in a few seconds ago.

"Glad you could make it, Dominique." YN looks up to see Shigaraki. YN sighs. "Yeah, Yeah. What's the big idea, huh?" YN grumbles out as he stands up. Once he stood up and towers over Shigaraki by a few inches. YN looks down at his suit which had some dust on it. "You guys may wear the same thing every single day, But It would be nice if you didn't destroy my clothing. I try to keep it consistent." YN begins to dust himself off. Shigaraki's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "I would watch it If I were you." He growls out. YN scoffs. "I think you forget. I'm not here to be your play toy. So if a fight is what you want, I will be happy to oblige." YN's eyes begin to glow a red color. Shigaraki getting his hand ready. Kurogiri stands between the two. "Now, Now. This is not why we are all here at the moment." YN's glowing red eye begins to fade. He fixes his gloves. "Yes, You are correct."

Toga squeals in excitement. She jumps up and down in front of YN. "Your eye can glow! That's so cool! I want to be your friend! I want to kill my friend!" YN raises an eyebrow. "Well, Um... Child?" YN lifts his hand up and pats Toga's head. "I'm glad you think I'm cool. However, I would like to get down to business." Toga squeals, a creepy smile on her lips as she beamed up at YN. Shigaraki sat on the barstool. His eyes were closed as he begins to talk.

"Recently, You have been getting more popular. Many fear your power. From Heroes to Villains. I have heard many stories of your merciless kills. My favorite was the guy that was found in Osaka's Bay a few weeks ago. What would happen if the heroes knew that it was you who killed him?" Shigaraki questions. YN folds his arms across his chest, an unamused look on his face as he watched Shigaraki. "You plan on ratting me out?" YN leans back against the wall.

"I see no point in what you want, Shigaraki Tomura. Or should I say, Tenko Shimura?" Tension began to rise. Dabi looked between the two calmly. Meanwhile, Toga had an excited smile on her lips. The chance to see YN in action would be amazing. Shigaraki hand went up to his neck. It scratched over his neck. "I see you have information as well, Dominique," Shigaraki grumbles out.

"Listen, Shimura. I'm not an idiot. So, Tell me. What do you want?" Shigaraki chuckles. "I guess I can't be subtle, huh?" YN scoffs in response. "Well, I want us to join forces. When I need something you'll give it to me, If you need something I can give it to. What do you say?" YN's eyes darkened. "Depends on what you want." YN states. Dabi turns to YN. "We want you to join us." Dabi states. YN raises an eyebrow. "Join you?" YN hums, a small smile on his lips. "I'll join you guys as long as I don't have to be here. I will not be a member. I will only be an Ally. I do not work for anyone but myself." YN states. Shigaraki nods. "Is that all?" Shigaraki questions. "And if we ever need to join forces to attack anything. I am planning everything. I see the way your plans work out, Tenko. It's very childish for a man of your age." Shigaraki's eyes narrowed. Triggered that this was coming from someone who was like 4 to 5 years younger than them. "I don't know about that. I don't like being told what to do. Especially by kids." Shigaraki states.

YN's eyes narrowed at the back of Shigaraki's messy head. "Alright, But I will do most of the planning and if not that. You can plan and I can prove it. I will also need to get to know all of your quirks first hand. I know what you all can do. But I want to see for myself. So I can place you properly in my head." YN states smugly. "Tch. Fine." Shigaraki grumbles. YN chuckles as he makes his way towards Shigaraki. Shigaraki turns to him, YN has his hand out. His eyes having a red glint to them. "Glad we could come to an agreement." Shigaraki rolls his eyes and shakes his hand. Their hands glow red for a split second.

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