Chapter 1

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Bent down with my head in my locker, I heard a familiar greeting behind me. "Morning Soo." I smiled up at my best friend. "Good morning, Tae. How'd practice go?" I asked, he returned my smile, getting into his own locker beside me; Taehyung groaned. "It was rough. Coach is pushing us hard because of our near loss last game." I frowned, sighing. "But at least you were able to save it." Taehyung shrugged, picking my bag up for me. "Coach doesn't care about that." We started walking to class talking; we were stopped a few times due to people congratulating Taehyung on the game Friday. I never do understand why Taehyung hasn't just dropped me as a friend since he's super popular and I'm not. I When the fan crowds finally let us continue walking, Taehyung asked, "You still coming to the game Saturday?" I laugh, playfully pushing Taehyung. "I always go to your game, unless Jin changes his mind, I need a ride, though." "Okay, I'll pick you up." Taehyung says as we walk into our first period class.

Most of the beginning of school went by fast; the bell rang, letting us out for lunch. "God, another minute in Mr. Bixler's and I would of passed out, he's so boring." I laugh with Taehyung . When we got to our lockers, someone stood in front of mine. "Move your big butt, Jin." Jin turns to look at us, placing his hand over his heart. "You wound me so,little sis." I laugh, shaking my head. "Yeah right, nothing can wound that thick skin." Jin and Taehyung bump fists in guy greeting. "Nice save Saturday night." Jin compliments Taehyung. "Thanks, man. It was a tough game." We started walking to the lunch room, Jin and Taehyung went over to some of their guy friends, who are also on the football and basketball team, I sat down beside Jennie.

Hey Soo, Jennie dreamily stared at my brother. "Your brother looks amazing today." I laugh because this is how Jennie always greets me; she's had a crush on my brother since freshman year. "Yeah, Jennie, you tell me every day, so what happen to you Saturday night?"

"Sorry Jisoo, I had to watch my cousin and totally forgot to text you." I laugh figures she always doing that. There was a loud commotion from my brother and Taehyung's table, curious, Jennie and I turn to see what was going on.

The boys around the table were laughing giving Taehyung a hard time. "Man, you're still crushing on the mystery girl?" Jungkook shouted at Taehyung, who just smiled. "You can have your pick of the ladies but you'd rather pin after this one?" Taehyung shrugged, casting me a look. "She's worth it, though." Jin laughs, smacking Taehyung on the back. "You should ask her out then; the carnival's coming up soon." Taehyung turns to look at Jin. "Yeah, maybe I will." Jin had a twinkle in his eyes. "Let's make it interesting!" Taehyung lifted his eyebrow at my brother, curious. "Okay, how do you plan to do that?"

"Next Saturday is the big game, last play of the season; if you guys win against the Warriors, you've got to ask your girl out." Taehyung laughs nervously. "Alright, man, you're on!" He shook hands with Jin, I shook my head. "Boys, does it always have to be competitions and bets?" Jennie laughs, looking back at me. "With your brother and Taehyung, always." I laugh with her; the rest of the day went by smoothly.

When the bell rang ending the day, Jin stopped by my locker. "Hey sis, I've got practice tonight and plans after. Think Taehyung will take you home?"


End of Chapter 1


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now