Chapter 20

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Seo-yeon sneered at me from around Taehyung's back, snuggling up against his arm. "Come on Tae just forget about her, I want some cotton candy." Taehyung turned on her, glaring down at her. "Get off from me Seo-yeon; you can get your own damn cotton candy. I don't want anything else to do with you, don't you get it you were only something to bide my time with, we're through!"

Seo-yeon look shocked by his sudden outburst. "But Taehyung she can never compare to me, come on she's not even as pretty as I am." Her comment made Jungkook shake his head, Jimin, Taehyung and Su-jin to ball their fists glaring at her. "You know what Seo-yeon your right, Jisoo could never compare to you," Seo-yeon smirked cockily before Taehyung finished his comment. "Because she's so far above you, she's better than you in every way possible."

Then Taehyung took off after me I didn't get to much further down the walk-way from them when I felt someone grip my arm, looking up my heart does a little flip to see Taehyung. "Taehyung what are you doing, let go of me right now!" Being stubborn Taehyung he didn't listen and just dragged me into the crowd for the rides headed to the Ferris wheel. "No we need to talk and we're going somewhere we can talk between just the two of us alright!" I sigh defeated allowing him to lead me wherever it was he wanted to go talk at.

When we got on the Ferris wheel I held onto the bar as we began to move, when we stopped at the top of the wheel I nervously looked over the edge to the ground, gripping the bar even tighter getting closer to Taehyung; I hate heights. Taehyung studying my face softly pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Soo I'm sorry for what I did to Jimin, but I hate him being close to you. I'm afraid of losing you." I looked over into Taehyung's eyes surprised. "Tae you'll never lose me not really, you're my best friend and I love you," Taehyung smiled sadly a bit. "But that's the thing Soo, I love you more than a friend you're the secret girl I've kept this whole time! You're my sunshine Soo, and you're something I want to get lost in for the rest of my life!" I stared at Taehyung with a million thoughts running through my head, I couldn't believe it I was the secret crush. "This is a joke right, Tae that's cruel and not funny at all." He gave me a lop-sided grin, stroking my cheek. "No joke Soo, I'm serious. I've been in love with you for years now but I was too afraid to tell you how I felt, afraid you to lose your friendship." He looked me in the eyes like he was mesmerized by me, smiling. "Soo I only dated Seo-yeon because I couldn't have you and I thought she'd help distract me from seeing Jimin creep up on you, I could see how close you two have gotten."

I couldn't help myself but laugh at the jealously in his voice when he mention Jimin. "Oh my god Tae you're really jealous of Jimin aren't you!?" He wouldn't meet my gaze, cupping his cheek in my hand I made him look at me. "You've got nothing to worry about with Jimin, Su-jin the one who was wiping his lip is the one Jimin loves." I let that sink in for a moment before I said anymore, feeling my heart flutter and butterflies take over my belly. When it sunk in what I told him he started smiling brightly at me. "I know this is kind of cheesy but Soo you were made for me, will you forgive me for being stupid and give me a chance?" I returned his smile, really happy for the first time in a long time with my best friend, nodding my head at him. "You know I can never stay mad at you for long, I really want to give us a shot Tae." He smiled brightly at me again before cupping my face in his hand slowly bringing his lips to mine. As his lips finally met mine I felt like I could fly, I was so happy, we were still kissing when it was our turn to get off.

There were a couple cat-calls and hoots, when we broke apart to find Jimin, Su-jin cheering us on and a poor Jungkook gawking at us. "Oh my god Tae, man you've got some balls on you, Jin is going to kill you." I frown not thinking about my brother and how he'd react to Taehyung and I being more than friends. Taehyung just smiled shrugging as he helped me off the Ferris wheel. "I'll handle Jin when the time comes, I'm just happy Soo forgave my stupid ways."

I stared up into the face of my best friend, the one person that I'd always been able to turn to and knew in that instant that I really did love him with all my heart and that no matter what came our way we'd battle it together and win.

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Lets be mutual! Thank you for 2k+ reads ❤️

(A/N)Here's my Instagram acc~ Lets be mutual! Thank you for 2k+ reads ❤️

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~The End~


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