Chapter 12

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"I don't get what Taehyung is doing. Seo-yeon really? He can do WAY better than her," Jennie started mumbling to herself picking at her food, Jimin noticed the hurt look on my face and nudged her to shut her up. "I'm sorry Soo, want to skip lunch?" I shook my head at her. "No, besides Taehyung is just my friend doesn't matter who he dates." Jimin and Jennie gave each other knowing looks but didn't say anymore.

Last class of the day Taehyung and I were the first to arrive for once; when we sat down I just stared at my desk for a second before speaking up. "Taehyung what's going on between us? What did I do so wrong to make you so upset?" Taehyung didn't look at me for a moment then sigh. "Nothing Soo just forget about it," I interrupted him. "That's a lie Tae; you've been acting different toward me since the game! We went as friends; I don't even like Jimin that way."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at me. "Yeah but he clearly does, only a matter of time before you return his feelings." I stared at him dumbfounded for a minute. "That won't happen Tae, I don't understand you never got upset when a guy flirted with me before, beside you and Jin both chased any guy away. We're best friends; at least we're supposed to be so talk to me Tae, explain the problem to me because I really don't understand."

Taehyung just huffed irate at me. "You wouldn't understand even if I explained it, just forget about it." I just huff starting to get mad myself, after a minute of silence I blurted. "What are you doing with Seo-yeon anyway!?" Taehyung looked guilty for a second before he looked away. "We hooked up after the game," I started at him shocked. "So Seo-yeon is the secret crush this whole time?"

The teacher walked into the room looking at us confused. "Why are you in here and not in the cafeteria for the rally for the carnival this weekend?" We both looked at each other frowning slightly. "I totally forgot all about it," I started to say and Taehyung said at the same time "Forgot about all the rally did we miss it?" The teacher just laugh shaking his head. "Missed most of it, you might as well stay here, just no phones."

When the bell rung we walked quietly to our lockers, when I was done putting my school stuff away and started to walk away Taehyung stop me. "I'm sorry Soo, can we just forget about this weekend and be good again?" I smiled at him nodding. "Please, got plans tonight maybe we could have a movie-pizza hang out?" Taehyung started to reply when Seo-yeon came up out of nowhere taking hold of Taehyung's arm giving me a sneer.

"Tae are we still going out tonight?" The smile I had slowly fell, I quickly adjusted my backpack. "Never mind Tae, enjoy your date." I started walking away when someone grip my arm stopping me.

"Tae doesn't need you in his life anymore, I think you should stop talking to him." I stared at Seo-yeon dumbfounded. "We're just friends, are you seriously threatened by me." She laugh harshly at me. "As if, Taehyung finally open his eyes to see that I'm all he needs. You'll only ever be the charity case, if it wasn't for Taehyung or your brother no one would even know you existed."

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now