Chapter 15

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Lunchtime I sat staring at Taehyung's table, watching them all joke around about the carnival this weekend when I felt warm bodies sit down on either side of me. "Hey Ji,darling if you stare any harder you'll burn a hole through his head. What happen this time?" I looked at Jimin on my right and looked over at Jennie on my left. "Nothing happen, I think I know who Taehyung's secretive girl is."

Jennie gasp and Jimin just looked at me expectantly. "Well who is it Soo, you can't say something like that and leave us hanging!" I sigh looking at Taehyung as I answer. "Seo-yeon the girl, she has to be." Taehyung looked at me; smiling a little he lifts his hand in greeting, smiling sadly I lifted my hand up to him. Jimin nudged me with his shoulder making me look at him.

"You need a pick me up Ji,how about after school the three of us go shopping? We could even catch a movie and food." Jennie giggled looking at Jimin. "Are you sure you're not a girl Jimin?" Jimin and I shared a look laughing at her question. "What, what is so funny you two?" Answering her through my laughing. "Nothing Jenn, that sounds perfect to me, so we'll take your car Jimin?" Jimin laughs shaking his head.

"Of course Ji,I shall be your personal chauffeur; if you don't break me I'll treat you guys to food too." I smiled sweetly at him, Jimin easily becoming a good friend to me. I looked back over at Taehyung to see him frowning but his attention was quickly stolen by my brother. "I see now why S loves you so much, you're a spoiler."Jimin just laughs and Jennie looked at us confused. "Who is S? Okay now I am missing something." Jimin smiled at Jennie. "S as the lovely Ji is talking about is the love of my life." Jennie returned his smile. "Figured you'd be taken, long distant relationship, bet that's hard." Jimin smiled sadly. "Yeah, but we make it work," I interrupted. "Maybe we can get an outfit for the carnival this weekend, are we going to go together?"

"Well I would but Yoongi wants me to go to this party this weekend, but you two can together." Jimin and I exchanged a glance. "Yeah Ji, I could meet S later at the carnival." I quickly smiled excited to finally meet the amazing Su-jin. "That would be awesome!

Later after school Jennie and I met Jimin at my locker which made Taehyung even more upset. "Where are you guys going?" I smiled at him trying to pretend everything was normal between us still. "Jennie and I are going on a shopping spree and we're forcing poor Jimin to be our chauffer." Taehyung actually laugh a bit. "I almost pity you, have fun Soo." Taehyung then turns to leave, something made me stop him. "Want to go with us Tae?" He stops to look at me frowning at Jimin, then the voice I dread sounds behind me. "Taehyung! Are you ready for our date, I want to leave before traffic gets bad."

Seo-yeon stop to grip Taehyung's arm like she own him, I still can't believe that he believed her even after I told him what she did. "Yeah Seo-yeon, sorry Soo maybe later." I just nod and walk away with Jimin and Jennie, Jimin bumped me with his shoulder, whispering. "Alright Ji?"I smiled sadly at him nodding.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now