Chapter 7

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Taehyung and I made our way quietly down to the living room;Taehyung got comfy on the couch, relaxing back into the corner, putting his feet on the coffee table. "So, what do you want to watch?" I smiled back at him as I crouched down by the television stand, lifting the DVD case to Up. Taehyung groaned softly before returning my smile. "Up, don't you ever get tired of that?" I laughed softly to not wake Jin. "Never, Up is classic!" Taehyung laughed, shaking his head he knows Up has been my favorite since it first came out and I've roughly seen it 50 times.

Once I got the DVD in, I settled on the couch beside Taehyung, halfway through the movie, I leaned against him. He smiled, wrapping his arm around me, settling me more comfortable against him. "Comfy Soo?" I sighed, wiggling closer. "Hm very, thanks." We finished watching the movie, somewhere toward the end, we apparently dozed off. Jin found us in the morning; I was lying on side with my head on Taehyung's chest, his head resting against mine.

"Where the hell did you come from, Tae?" I yawned, looking up at my brother sleepily, and then sat up straight. "Oh my god, Tae we fell asleep!" I started blushing a beet red color, Taehyung stretched. "Hey, Jin, what time is it, dude?" Jin looked from the two of us and shook his head. "Um, its 7 a.m. Did you sleep here last night?" Taehyung idly scratched his chest, yawning. "Yeah, I came over to apologize to Soo; we started watching a movie and apparently fell asleep." Jin saw main menu on the TV and laughed. "She made you watch Up with her again, I feel sorry for you, man." Taehyung laughed at Jin's comment. "It's not that bad besides, it's Soo favorite; so, I don't mind suffering through it." I gave Taehyung a soft look, smiling, he returned my smile with his lopsided grin I loved.

"Oh, Taehyung, are you going to be in trouble for staying out all night?" Taehyung shrugged. "Nah, I told dad I was coming over to apologize, so he should know where I'm at." Jin just shook his head, heading toward the kitchen, calling out over his shoulder. "I'm making me some breakfast, you two want some?" Taehyung and I answered at the same time. "Yes," Jin just laughed at us.

I looked at Taehyung shyly for some reason, he just smiled at me. "You know, Soo you're cute when your hair is all messy like that." I squeaked, jumping up to look in the mirror down the hallway, groaning. Still not sure why I was so concerned with how I looked since it was just Taehyung, but for some reason, I wanted to look my best around him. "Hey, I'm jumping in the shower." I sprinted up the stairs to freshen up.

I always feel 20 times better after a warm shower. After drying my hair with my towel, I pull my shorts and tank top on and then walk out the door to find Taehyung. "Tae?" He looked up at me, smiling. "Hey, Soo" I take a step toward him when he doesn't say anything else. "Jin is lending me some clothes so I don't have to run home." I blushed brightly, quickly turning away. "Okay, well, you remember where the towels are." I quickly rushed to my bedroom, hearing Taehyung laugh slightly.

Once in my room, I closed my door, leaning back against it, sighing. "What is wrong with me again. Its just Taehyung, for Christ's sake." I huffed, confused with my feelings. I grabbed my stuff for school, making sure I have my essay for English, going down to the kitchen; Jin had two plates sitting on the bar, waiting. "Thanks again, Jin, who would have guessed you can really cook."


End of Chapter 7


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now