Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since the big game; Taehyung has sort of given me the cold shoulder; he won't answer my calls and won't return my text messages. I don't really know what I did to make him so upset with me. I didn't even see him before class; I waited until the bell rang and went into class.

Jimin was in his seat behind mine, when I sat down, he poked me. "Morning, Ji what's the long face for?" I sighed then turned to look at him. "It's Taehyung; he's totally giving me the cold shoulder. I'm not even sure what I did wrong, he won't talk to me to let me know."

Mr. Hendricks interrupted me from talking with Jimin any more. "Miss Jisoo, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" I turned back around, blushing, shaking my head. "No, Mr. Hendricks." Mr. Hendricks continued on with his study; halfway through class Taehyung finally walked in, he glanced at me started to smile but gave me a strain expression instead. "Good of you to join us, Mr. Kim.

Taehyung shrugged, handing Mr. Hendricks a letter, then took his seat, not even saying hi. When Mr. Hendricks continued with his study, I leaned over to whisper to Taehyung. "Hey, Tae you alright?" His only reply was to grunt and shrug at me, not even giving me a look. I sat back in my seat with a humph, confused more. Jimin gave Taehyung a death glare and lightly patted my shoulder to comfort me, Taehyung apparently noticed because his jaw ticked in aggression.

After class, Taehyung tried to rush out of class, but I caught up with him before he could get far. Grabbing his arm to stop him, I quickly demanded. "Taehyung, will you please talk to me, what did I do!?" Pulling his arm out of my grip, he huffed, turning to look at me for the first time today. "Nothing, Soo" His gaze settled behind me a moment then an angry glare returned to me. "Forget it, I've got to get to class before I'm late."

Without another word, Taehyung turned back around and left me staring, even more, confused than before. Then I felt an arm go around my shoulder, tugging me toward my next class, I looked up to see Jimin. All of a sudden, it clicked in my head. "It's all your fault." I stopped dead in my tracks to glare at Jimin, who just looked at me softly. "I've always been a thorn in his backside, but yeah, Ji he's acting this way because of me."

Suddenly tears formed in my eyes and Jimin cursed under his breath, tugging me in the opposite direction than our next class. When I finally realized where we were headed, we'd already stopped in front of Jimin's car.

"What are we doing here?" I asked sniffling, trying not to cry, Jimin shrugged, unlocking the car door. "You looked like you needed a quiet place away from eyes for a few minutes, you okay, Ji? I couldn't contain my tears anymore and they started slipping down my cheeks. "Thanks, Jimin," I got in his car, continuing to cry. "Why have you been a thorn in his backside? Why is Taehyung acting different to me because of you!?" I demanded out of Jimin in between sobs, Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm really sorry, Ji I'm a thorn because I'm the captain," Jimin laughed at captain. "Well, was captain of the last team who played you guys, who almost walked away with the game, did you not see me or remember me?" I looked at him, shocked a little, but shook my head. "I honestly wasn't paying attention to the other team, I'm sorry. That explains why he doesn't like you, but why is he acting different toward me?"Jimin shook his head, laughing at me a little. "Because, Ji I'm showing you attention, flirting with you and that makes him mad. You're his and he really does not want to share with me, jealousy makes you do stupid things."

I shook my head at him in disbelief. "Taehyung and I are best friends, have been since we were kids, we grew up together. He wouldn't get jealous, he doesn't like me that way." I felt a pang of pain in my chest when I said that, wiping a tear from my cheek, Jimin snorted at me. "Really, Ji then you're both blind. I see how Taehyung looks at you, that's mainly why I started flirting with you to make him jealous; I just didn't expect him to do this."

I turned to look at Jimin, shocked. "So, you're only flirting with me to get at Taehyung?" Jimin shook his head, laughing. "Sorry Ji, I like you you're a beautiful girl and would love to really be your friend but you and I drool over the same team."

I stared at him, dumbfound for a moment, thoroughly confused at what he meant. Noticing my confusion made Jimin laugh really hard, when I started to frown, thinking he was making fun of me, made him laugh even harder. I smacked his arm, getting upset now. "What do you mean drool over the same team? I don't understand, this isn't funny Jimin."

Jimin laughed good one more time before he could calm himself down enough to explain himself. "See, this is part of why I like you so much, Ji you're stupid smart, but at times don't understand anything. We drool over the same team, you know boys, and I'm gay." I gasped in shock, would never had guessed it.

"Does Taehyung know!?" Jimin laughed, shaking his head. "No one here knows besides you, Ji my boyfriend is back at Domino High. Only a few people back there knew, would appreciate it if that info doesn't leave this car." Jimin sighed looking at me. "I'm not ashamed of Su-jin, but already got heat from being the x-captain from Domino. But if everyone knew that, they'd really give me a hard time."

I nodded at him, understanding completely how mean people can be to others. "Your secret is safe with me, Jimin." I smiled at him reassuringly, my tears finally stopped flowing. "Thanks Jimin, for being a good friend to me." He returned my smile, reaching for the door handle. "Come on, Ji let's get back to school, I think it's Mr. Bixler's class now."

Wiping the last tears off my cheek, I got out of Jimin's car; walking back into school with him, he'd slip his arm around my shoulder, telling me a joke as we walked into the building. No sooner than we walked into the school, we ran right into my brother Jin.

"What the hell, did you not learn anything last time, dude!" Jin shoved Jimin away from me. I quickly grabbed Jin by the arm, trying to pull him away from Jimin. "Jin stop it, he's just my friend!" Jin continued to ignore me, shoving Jimin again who stuck his hands up in the air. "I don't want to fight you, Jimin, Ji's we're only friends." Jin, not listening to the either of us, drawing a bigger crowd to the scene, drew his fist back, jerking it out of my grasp and punched Jimin directly in the nose. Jimin cursed brightly as he stumbled backwards, holding his bloody nose. "Jin!"

I grabbed at his arm again, only for him to forcefully elbow me in the face, knocking me to the floor, dazed on my hands and knees; my head swimming, I hear Jin curse. "What the hell, sis." I looked up at the two of them, feeling something warm and wet run down my chin, Jimin hissed. "Fuck." Next thing I knew, Jin was knocked out on the floor beside me.

Jimin helped me up and tenderly wiped at my lip. "You okay, Ji" I just looked at him, dazed a bit, and then looked down at my brother. "You hit my brother, is he okay?" Jimin sighed, shaking his head in amazement. "Ji your brother, being an idiot, hit you and you're concerned because I knocked his dumbass out." I frowned, confused. "He's my brother, I'm always worried about him, he didn't mean to hit me." I bent down to check on Jin"

We heard a commotion from down the hall, it was the principal and school nurse. Mr. Allman glared at us, shaking his head. "Miss Kim, Mr. Park, my office now! Mrs. Atwood, would you please check Mr.Kim out and if he is okay send him to my office as well." With my head hung, Jimin and I followed Mr. Allman to his office, once inside, he motioned us to take a seat.


End of Chapter 10


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now