Chapter 4

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I was grumbling to myself as I walked to my locker. Opening it, I let out a big yawn. I heard someone walking up behind me, I turned to find Taehyung. "Hey Tae got morning practice again?" Taehyung stopped beside me, laughing. "Yeah, Coach gave us a quick break came to see how you're starting your morning." I smacked his arm playfully. "Just fine, I always wanted to be dragged from my warm comfy bed an hour before school starts to watch my brother practice out in the cold." Taehyung laughed again, making me smile. "Well, you could sit inside the gym and watch my practice instead." I grabbed my first period stuff out of my locker, handing it to Taehyung, putting my bag into my locker. "That sounds a lot better than freezing outside." Taehyung shook his head, laughing. Slinging his arm around my shoulder, we started walking to the gym; as soon as Taehyung's arm went around my shoulder my heart started racing weirdly.

I snuck a look up at Taehyung's face, thinking to myself. 'What in the world is the matter with me?! Why is my heart racing? It's just Taehyung for Christ sake!'

Inside the gym, I sat down on the bleacher beside Taehyung's stuff; while he went back to practice, I pulled my book out for English, trying to get a head start on reading. Before I knew it, practice was over and it was time for first period, Taehyung came over and ruffled my hair, making me groan. Tae! He laughed, shrugging at me. "You were too into the book, you really are a book-worm, and you know that?" I looked up at him, worrying for the first time ever what he thought of me being a book-worm. "That's a bad thing, isn't it?" He laughed again, a deep sound that made my heart flip. "Nah, I think a girl who reads is pretty sexy; I like a girl with brains." I smiled up at him; we started walking to first period together.
We took our seats, I sat beside the windows and Taehyung sat beside me; we were quietly chatting about the game this weekend when the teacher walked in with a new student. "Class, this is our new transfer student, Park Jimin. Jimin, take the seat there behind Jisoo." Jimin walked over towards me, sitting down behind me. He had a smile on his face while looking at me, and I returned his smile. "Hi Jimin, I'm Jisoo and this is Taehyung ." I motioned to Taehyung who looked at Jimin with a narrowed glare before he stared straight face at him.

'What was that about?' I wondered to myself, Jimin sat down behind me returning my greetings.

"Hi Jisoo, Taehyung"He randomly touched a wisp of my hair. "You've got really pretty hair." I stiffened at his boldly touching of my hair. "Um, thank you." I noticed Taehyung's jaw tightened like he's grinding his teeth together. "So Jimin where are you coming from?" Jimin looked over at Taehyung before replying to my question. "Domino High, but don't hold a grudge against me." I giggled; Domino High is our rival school, ironic that he'd transfer here. "Oh, I'm not the one who'd hold a grudge. That would be Taehyung and Jin's area." Jimin lifted an eyebrow in question. "Jin your boyfriend then?" I shook my head no. "Jin's my brother." Mr. Hendricks cleared his throat, looking at us.

"Now, if you three are finish having a gossip session, I'd like to continue with class."Taehyung straightened in his seat and I looked at my desk. "Sorry, Mr. Hendricks." Mr. Hendricks continued with class and when it was over Jimin followed me out the door.

"So, Jisoo which class do you have next?" Taehyung gave Jimin a death glare; he instantly didn't like Jimin at all. "Oh, I've got Mrs. Ross and Taehyung has Mrs. Houston."Jimin smiled widely. "I've got Ross next, too." I looked at Taehyung, who was tightening his jaw again. "Okay, well I can show you the way; I've just got to stop at my locker first." We walked to my locker and Taehyung sat his book in my locker. "We've got a free period in Mrs. Houston's today, she's out. See you in Mr. Bixler's." I waved at Taehyung as he walked away. "So, are you and Taehyung a thing?" I looked at Jimin shocked, shaking the image of Taehyung and I being a couple, it was silly. "Taehyung's my best friend, so no we're not a 'thing' as you put it." Jimin smiled again. "Ah well,lead the way my fair maiden to Mrs. Ross then." I laughed at him. "Sure Jimin this way." We walked to Mrs. Ross in silence, the class went rather quickly and then Mr. Bixler's class went by just as fast, we had a big test.

"That test was brutal!" I laughed, pushing Taehyung on the shoulder. "It wouldn't be that bad if you would have studied more with me." Taehyung laughed along with me. "Yeah, I know. Next time, tie me to the chair, make me study harder." I laughed even more. "Sure thing Taehyung promise not to break my chair though."

We had just shut our lockers, ready to go to the lunch room, when Seo-yeon came up and slightly caressed Taehyung's bicep, giving me a little sneer before turning flirty eyes back to Taehyung. "Taehyung, would you mind buying me lunch today? I forgot my wallet at home." Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck. "Sure, Seo-yeon." She beamed a bright smile at him. "Thanks Taehyung, you're my hero." She wrapped her arm around Taehyung and tugged him toward the lunch room. "See you later, Jisoo."

I didn't even reply, I just walked behind them, brooding over how much I disliked Seo-yeon. She's always been the bane of my existence, it was nothing for her to rub it in my face everyone sees me as just 'Taehyung's friend' or 'Jin's sister'
When I walked in the lunch room, I went to sit beside Jennie, only to get toward my table to see Jimin sitting beside her. Hey Jimin, Jennie looked up at me surprised. "Oh my god Jisoo you already know Jimin!?" I laughed at her excitement. "Yeah, we've got some classes together." I sat down between them. "So, you've already met Jennie, then." Jimin laughed and winked at Jennie. "Yeah, Jennie here took over showing me around for you." Jimin leaned in real close to me, before I could say anything I heard a hard voice behind me.

"Who the hell are you and back off my sister!" I groaned at Jin's question and demand, I glared up at him. "Jin, don't yell, you'll cause a scene!" I looked around, realizing it was too late, Jimin spoke up. "I'm Park Jimin, new transfer student; a friend of Jisoo. You must be the famous Jin, Jisoo's brother." Jin just glared at Jimin. "Don't be trying anything with my little sister or you'll pay, dude." Jin stalked back over to his table, causing my face to turn bright red. "Oh my god, Jimin I am so sorry about that."Jimin laughed and just shrugged at me.


End of Chapter 4


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