Chapter 2

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I shook my head, wondering why Jin always does this, wait until last minute to throw this on me. I walked up the bleachers in the gym to watch Taehyung during his practice. There was a group of girls who were there to watch Taehyung practice, too, but unlike me, they were there to drool over him. Taehyung saw me when I came in and walked over.

"Hey Soo, what's up?" I smiled at him. "Hey Tae,if you don't have any plans after practice, would you care giving me a ride home; Jin abandoned me." Taehyung laughs, nodding. "Yeah, sure, I can take you home after practice."

Taehyung's coach blew his whistle. "KIM TAEHYUNG, get your butt back to practice." Taehyung waved at me, going back to practice. Due to the game, Coach Carter was holding an hour practice; when practice was over, Taehyung went to the locker room to shower off.

I went to wait at his car, as I was leaning against the hood, I saw Taehyung walk out of the school. Smiling, I went to wave at him until I saw Seo-yeon call out to Taehyung, stopping him.

"Hey, Taehyung!" He stopped to talk to her. She was getting WAY too friendly with Taehyung. I wanted to slap her, but didn't really understand why aside from she's really annoying.

"Hey, Seo-yeon, what's up?" Seo-yeon gave Taehyung one of her seductive smiles, playing with his bicep. "I was wondering if you were going to the party this weekend." He shrugs, making her remove her hand. "I don't know, wasn't really planning on it." She smiled wider, getting closer to him. "Come on, we haven't seen you at one of Jungkooks parties in a while; I miss you."

I snorted, Seo-yeon is the head cheerleader and most popular girl in school; she's also had her eyes on Taehyung ever since freshman year when he hit that growth spurt and became the hunk he is.

I'm a girl, but I'm not blind to what Taehyung is; the hottest boy in school,midnight black hair with the prettiest brown eyes. "Well, I've got to go, Seo-yeon, see you later." He started walking towards me, I smiled at him. "Ready to go, Soo?" Nodding, I got into the passenger seat as he got into the driver's seat. "Hey, I can just walk home if you want to hang out with Seo-yeon." He frowns, looking at me. "You're joking, right? I wouldn't leave you hanging like that Soo, come on." I laugh, relieved that he wasn't going to abandon me, too.

On the ride to my house, curiosity got the better of me. "So, you're going to tell the Secret girl the news, huh." A weird expression crossed Taehyung's face, he looked over at me. "Heard that stuff at lunch, huh?" I laugh because Taehyung was acting nervous. "Well, yeah, pretty sure people in the next county can hear any conversation my big mouth brother has." Taehyung laughs with me. "They probably can," He trailed off, thinking to himself, so I ask. "What do you plan to tell her?" Taehyung looked at me again, weary. "What?"

I shook my head at him, ever since he mentioned having this secret crush on someone, he refuses to give a name or tell us what she looks like, and aside from being the prettiest girl he knows. "I mean, are you just going to walk up to her and be like 'Hey I'm Taehyung, I've had a crush on you forever now; go out with me." Taehyung glanced at me then back to the road ahead, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

We pulled up in front of my house and Taehyung put his car in park. "I've got a speech I plan to tell her." I looked at him, excited. "Wow, Taehyung , what are you going to tell her?" His frown returned and I frown with him. "Come on, Tae, We've always been able to share things, you know whatever you tell me will stay between us." Taehyung sighed and ruffled my hair. "Yeah I know Soo, just I'm nervous about it." I huffed, fixing my hair after he'd messed it up. "Well I thought if you worked on what you said it would be easier to tell her and I could even give you a view from a girls point."


End of Chapter 2


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