Chapter 19

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Jennie took the news of Su-Jin a lot better than I thought she would, she pretty much knew anyway. "Oh 'S' is your code word to talk about him without saying his actual name until you're ready for everyone to know." We nodded surprised by her, she just smiled. "I knew you rooted that way from day one, I just didn't know you were dating someone." Jimin laughed smiling at her, I just stared for a moment. "How did you know Jennie?" She giggled waving her hand at Jimin. "Come on Jisoo he's a nice looking boy who actually has a sense of fashion better than me, of course he'd be gay."

Jimin just smiled accepting her compliment and I just shook my head. "Shame I'll miss out meeting him, but this is our 'second' date." I smiled at her understanding, Jimin and I left shortly afterwards to go pick up Su-jin. When we pulled up in front of his house, Jimin got out going to get Su-jin and I got into the backseat of Jimin's car to let Su-jin have up front. Jimin opens the car door for Su-jin, when he sits down he turns around to greet me. "So you are Jisoo it's nice to see you, see you've been stealing my man here lately." I blush embarrassed. "Sorry about that Su-, you've got an awesome boyfriend." He laughed smiling at me, when Jimin got in he gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't I know it; I hope we can be friends too." I smiled at him glad he didn't hate me to stealing his boyfriend away all the time here lately. "I'd love that Su-, I've heard so much about you I feel like we're already friends." He smiled looking at Jimin. "He likes to talk a lot, but I wouldn't trade him for anything."

We drove to the carnival in decent conversation about a lot of different things; I found that I really liked Su-Jin too. When we got to the carnival we played a bunch of games, laughing and having a really good time. So far we hadn't ran into Taehyung, or Seo-yeon thankfully, we'd just got done playing some basketball game where Jimin won Su-jin a giant teddy bear that was almost as big as him, after deciding to put it in the car instead of trying to carry it around I waited for them to return, looking at the food selection they had. I heard her annoying fake voice before I saw her face. I tried to hide from her but she caught be behind a food booth.

"Still can't take my advice huh, that was smooth trying to bring that moron Jimin' in on it." Seo-yeon stalked around me like I was some type of prey, stopping in front of me. "Doesn't matter though, I convinced Taehyung I was innocent." I stared at her shocked, how my 'best friend' could fall for her lies I couldn't understand. "Just leave me alone Seo-yeon, I'm only here to enjoy myself not cause any drama." She sneered at me in contempt, smiling at me. "You should just go home and not show your face any..."

Before she could speak anything else someone cleared their throat behind us. "Actually Seo-yeon, I believe the person who should go home is you. Leave Jisoo alone, you must be getting desperate if you've resulted to randomly threatening someone in the sly like this." Seo-yeon turned to glare at Su-jin, then laugh humorlessly. "Oh this is good, the little no body with the sloppy seconds. You two make a cute couple; keep her away from my boyfriend Su-!" Seo-yeon stalked off with her drone of a friend with her, I smiled weakly at Su-jin. "Thanks Su-, for helping me out there."

Su-Jin smiled sadly at me, giving me a brief hug. "Hey don't let her ugliness get to you, she's totally not worth it." I smiled at him less sadly and he returned it, walking us back toward wherever Jimin was. "So did you guys get the teddy bear to fit in Jimin's car?" Su-jin laughs a deep baritone. "Really should have videotaped it because poor Jimin just kept pulling it out when he'd try to untangle himself from it in the backseat." I laughed with him at the mental imagine of that.

We played a few more games, and started to get on the ride when we decided we were hungrier than we wanted to ride the rides so we went to get food. Jimin was walking between the two of us, with his arm draped around my shoulder and holding Su-Jin's hand. We'd walked around this one booth bumping right into another group of people. "Dude I'm sorry," When we looked at the other group it ended up being Taehyung,Seo-yeon, Jungkook, and Seo-yeon's drone friend.

'Great exactly what I wanted and needed to run into Taehyung. Especially since I was having a lot of fun too.'

"Soo you made it, where's Jennie?" I frown not really looking at him. "Yeah I made it; Jennie is at a party with Yoongi so Jimin and Su-jin came with me." Taehyung glared at Jimin; if a look could kill Jimin would be dead, I pushed his arm off from around my shoulder to try and keep peace. "Come on Ji,let's just go." Jimin started to wrap his arm around me again which only succeeded in making Taehyung mad and he snap swinging at Jimin, catching him off guard knocking him to the ground with a bloody lip and a stunned expression. Su-Jin drops down beside Jimin checking on him wiping his lip with the corner of his shirt. "You okay Jimin?" Jimin nodded tenderly touching his lip.

(I'm sorry Jimin for hurting you several times,but this is just a Fanfic soo...)

I turn from looking at Jimin and smacking Taehyung right across the face. "What is your problem!? Seriously you don't want me but no one else can have me is that it!?" Taehyung stood stunned that I would strike him, seething I looked down at Jimin. "You alright?" He stood back up with Su-jin's help dusting himself off. "Yeah it was just a lucky shot, are you alright Ji?" I looked at Taehyung once more before turning around to walk away from them all.


End of Chapter 19


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