Chapter 5

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The last bell of the day rung and I let out a sigh, today had been a rough day. I was talking to Jennie about plans for Taehyung's basketball game.

"So, do you want to meet me here or want me to pick you up?" Jennie asked, standing behind me, I shrugged. "I don't know. Jin is supposed to take me, but I'm not sure if he plans on making it for the beginning." Jennie laughed. "Okay, so I'll pick you up then."

"Pick you up for what?" We both looked over at the question from a familiar male voice now. Jennie smiled at him and I gave him a small smile. "For the game this weekend, it's the last basketball game of the season! We're going to support Taehyung." Jimin returned our smiles.

"So these games are a big thing, huh?" I stood up from picking up my bag, smiling proudly. "Yeah, Taehyung is the captain, the game this weekend is for states; when we win, we'll be State champions." Jimin laughed at my excitement. "I didn't really peg you for a sports girl, Jisoo." I blushed at Jimin.

"Well I'm not, really. I just watch Taehyung and Jin's games; doesn't mean I really know what's going on. I just love supporting them in what they enjoy doing." Jimin smiled at my blush, putting his arm around my shoulder, walking with Jennie and me outside. I stiffened slightly, his arm felt weird around my shoulder; I looked up at Jimin, wondering why.

Before we got too far into the parking lot, I heard an almost feral male growl from behind me. I turned to stare shockingly at both my brother and Taehyung, from the look on Taehyung's face he wanted to kill Jimin. I stepped away from him to try to save him a bit. "What the hell is your issue? I told you to back off my little sister." Next thing anyone knew, Taehyung swung, planting a fist into Jimin's jaw, Jimin stumbled back. "Whoa, dude, I didn't mean any harm!"

I stood, stunned at what happened, still not sure what was really going on. I heard Jin string several curse words that should make me blush a deep red, but I was too shocked. Jin grabbed Taehyung's bicep and shoved him towards me. "Take Jisoo home, Taehyung, before the damn principal gets here!"

Grinding his jaw together, Taehyung grabbed my hand and rushed me to his car where he opened the door for me. Once I got in, Taehyung drove me towards my house, after a few minutes, I finally had to break the awkward silence. "What was that about, Taehyung!?" Taehyung sighed, rubbing his jaw, frustrated. "I'm sorry, Soo. I don't like that kid thinking he has a right to touch you." I looked at Taehyung like he was crazy. "Taehyung, he's just a friend, it wasn't even like he was touching me in an inappropriate way!" Taehyung looked at me strangely. "You like him, Soo!?"

I shook my head disbelievingly at him. "Taehyung, I am allowed to have more than one male friend at a time, we just met him today! No, I'm not attracted to him, but he's actually funny and I wouldn't mind being friends with him." Taehyung sighed, parking his car in front of my house. "I'm sorry, Soo"I interrupted him. "I'm not the one you sucker punched, Tae. Hopefully Jimin doesn't press charges or Principal Morris expels you!" I got out of his car, storming up to my front door, mad at Taehyung.

No sooner had I flopped face first onto my bed than my cell phone was going off, pulling it out of my back pocket I looked at the screen. There was a text message from Jennie; I sat up to read it.

Hey girl you alright?

I replied back.

Yeah, I swear those two take something sometimes. Is Jimin alright?

Not even a minute later, my cell phone starting ringing, I answered it. "Yeah, Jennie?"

"Hey, Jisoo, thanks for caring about my neck, but I'm fine." I gasped; surprised that it was Jimin instead of Jennie. "Oh, you're welcome. I'm really sorry about my brother and Taehyung." I heard Jimin laugh. "It's fine; I shouldn't have gotten so fresh with you." I sighed at Jimin defending Taehyung and Jin's behavior. "I hope you don't hold this against me, Jimin I'd still like to be your friend." Jimin laughed, not in a mean way,I could hear the smile in his voice. "Well, that depends; let me take you to the game this weekend to make up your best friend trying to break my jaw." My jaw dropped open, shocked, when I hesitated to answer, he continued. "We'll go as just friends, Jisoo and I promise to keep my hands to myself even." I laughed at his humor in the matter.


End of Chapter 5


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