Chapter 18

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After he left, I yawn standing up, last night Jimin had hung the outfit I'd bought for tonight on the hook inside my closet door. I grab it to put it on, if I'm getting my hair done might as well get dressed now, I grabbed a pair of leggings to go along with it. Tonight was supposed to be cool so I didn't want to freeze to death. When I walked downstairs I heard Jin and Jimin talking in the kitchen, I slowly walk toward them, stopping when I heard what Jin was saying.

"I don't know what your plans are, you can't make her happy, should just back the fuck off my sister." I walked in the kitchen interrupting them.

"Jin you need to back off, in case you didn't realize it Jimin is my friend. Come on Jimin, we've got an appointment to make." I grab Jimin's hand dragging him from the kitchen and out to his car, him shaking his head the whole way. "Ji, you know it'll take time for your brother or Taehyung to really accept me in the circle right?" I sigh looking at him. "I know, but still isn't right, you're such a great friend too." We drove to pick Jennie up at her house, when she got in the car we headed to the salon. "Last night was a blast Soo we should do movie nights more often." I smiled at her agreeing. "Yeah, we've got to set up a special night for movies once a month at least." Jimin laughed at us, shaking his head.

We walked into the salon one of the stylists walked up to us. "Hello can I help you?" Jimin smiled at her motion back toward me. "Think you can do something cute with all this hair?" The stylists looked at me a moment thinking before smiling brightly at me. "Oh there's a lot I can do with it, how long do you have?" Jimin looked at me then back to the girl. "A couple hours," I groan at least I didn't have to do all the work, just sit there. The stylists had me sit in her chair, playing with my hair a minute looking at it before starting on it. "I love the color of your hair, is it natural." I laugh looking at Jimin to see if she's being serious, he just smiles. "Yeah it's all natural." She shakes some of my hair between her fingers, appreciating it. "It's beautiful, like the sun kissed it." I smiled at words that Taehyung himself used once.

An hour and a half later they stylists, Amy, was finished with my hair. She'd weaved it in a loose but adorable braid across the back of my head letting it hang freely down my back, it looked amazing on me. I smiled at her through the mirror, she returned my smile. "Thank you, I love it!" She unsnapped the sheet from around my neck, letting me stand up. "It looks really good on you Soo, she did an awesome job."

We walked up to the register to pay for her work, when I went to pull my money out of my pocket Jimin stopped me. "Hey I'm more than certain this is a treat, so no Ji you cannot pay." I rolled my eyes pretending to be annoyed, he just laughed at me. After he paid we walked down the little strip so Jennie and I could have our nails done, Jimin sat by the door texting someone. I picked out the simplest style and one that matched my outfit, Jennie picked this cute strip and polka dot design. "Oh Ji are you excited for the carnival tonight, I know it's always your favorite." I smiled at Jennie enjoying this moment. "Of course I love the Ferris wheel; I just hope Seo-yeon doesn't ruin it. Won't be the same not going with Jin and Taehyung but I don't want to lose the last good thing this year." Jennie gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry Soo I honestly don't know what Taehyung is doing with her seriously."

When the nails were done we paid heading back to Jennie's house for a bit so she could do my makeup keeping it simple. "Ji you look cute with make-up on, doesn't match your beautiful without it though." I laugh at his attempt at complimenting me without insulting me. "Thanks Jimin, are we picking up S or just meeting up at the carnival?" Jennie gave us a curious, looking between the both of us. "Okay come on you two who's this 'S' person, your killing me with the suspense." I laugh knowing Jennie she's always curious and always has to know everything that's going on. I looked at Jimin letting him decide to tell her or not, he sigh looking over at me. "You'll find out after the carnival tonight anyway, might as well tell you now."


End of Chapter 18


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now