Chapter 16

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We got to school early, Jin, Taehyung and I hung out in front of Taehyung and my locker. "So are we going to the carnival this weekend?" I shyly looked at Taehyung when asked about the carnival, Taehyung just shrugged. "Seo-yeon wants to go to this big party that's happening but I want to go to the carnival, what about you two?" I adjusted my bag on my shoulder trying to bide time before answering. "I'm going to the carnival, supposed to meet up with some friends." Taehyung gave me a look and Jin just ruffled my hair. "Well be sure to stay out of trouble alright sis." I laugh trying to fix me hair. "I always stay out of trouble Jin, that's your department anyway."

Taehyung started to say something when that awful voice I'm learning to hate more now called his name. "Taehyung there you are, I thought you were going to meet me at my locker." Taehyung sighs looking back to Seo-yeon. "Oh hi Jin," Seo-yeon greets Jin in a flirty tone which made me roll my eyes, of course she'd flirt with my brother in front of her boyfriend. Seo-yeon sneered at me. "Morning Jisoo." I looked between the three. "Seo-yeon, I'm going to head on to class. Are you taking me home tonight Jin, or do I need to find a way home again?" Before Jin could answer Taehyung spoke up. "I can take you home Soo." Seo-yeon huffed at that giving me a death glare. "But Taehyung we're supposed to go To Jungkook's party tonight." Taehyung gave her a look like he was trying to see if she's being serious. "I don't have practice tonight so I'm taking you home sis."

I walked on to class stuck into my thoughts not paying attention I bump into someone and drop all my books. "Well morning to you too Ji,you alright?" Jimin helps me pick my books up walking into class with me. "Sorry Jimin, yea I'm alright was just lost in la la land you know." He looked at me before taking his seat behind me, fiddling with my hair. "Ji you can talk to me about anything you know that right?" I smiled at him, glad that if I am losing my best friend I'm starting to make another. "Yeah I know Jimin, thanks for being here when I need someone." Two walked in when he saw Jimin playing with my hair he had the look of murder cross his face; I smacked Jimin's hand to get his attention. When he looked up to see what I wanted he saw Taehyung's look and just smiled. "Ah, morning Taehyung."Taehyung just glared at him, taking his seat he refused to look at me the rest of class.

Thanks to the teacher holding me after class I was late for lunch, as I was getting closer to the lunch room someone grab me by my hair pulling me into a supply closet.


Once the door closed I was slammed against it, knocking the air from my lungs. "I told you I could ruin you if I so chose to!" Seo-yeon smacks me hard across the face again. "Your little game of being a tattle-tale was cute, but I've got Taehyung wrapped." She jerked on my hair making my head snap in the direction she pulled it; she punched me in the face busting my lip before hitting me in the stomach. When I bent over trying to catch my breath she punches me against my temple her ring breaking the skin by my eye making blood trickle down my face, causing me to fall to my knees. "Now take my advice and stop talking to Taehyung, he's mine now." Just as fast as the attack happen she walked out; I sat down leaning against the shelf trying to catch my breath, only to start crying. After a few minutes I pulled my phone out of my pocket and messaged Jimin.


A second later he replied back.

Hey Ji, where are you

I texted him back.

Would you do me a favor?

You know I will, what's up?

Would you skip the rest of the day, I want to go home.

Meet me at my car.

I slip my phone back into my pocket getting up, I inched the door open to see if anyone was in the hallway, when I saw no one I slip out trying to be as invisible as I could. Jimin was waiting at his car for me, when he saw me I could feel the heat of his rage roll from him. "What the hell happened to you Ji." I just shake my head at him not really making eye contact. "I just want to go home Jimin, please just take me home." Then it clicked with him who did this. "That fucking Bitch, Seo-yeon did this didn't she!?" I didn't answer; he unlocked his door opening it for me. "Get in Ji, I'll be right back." Before I could stop him he stomped back off to the school. In a panic I slammed his car door running after him. "Jimin stop, just take me home please." He just kept going, stopping once he gets to Taehyung's table.

Before we knew what was happening Taehyung drew back, punching Taehyung right in the face causing him to fall backwards. "That's for being a dumbfuck!" When Taehyung got up going to swing back at Jimin, Jin caught hold of him. Jimin turns his attention to Seo-yeon. "As for you bitch, you best pray I can't hit a female, even right now I'm tempted to break that rule but I'm afraid I'd kill you! Jisoo is better than you in more ways than one; if you EVER look in her way or sneeze in her direction I will break that rule!"

"Now I'll take you home Ji." Jimin then turns taking my hand to lead me away, that's when Jin and Taehyung
saw me. "What the hell sis, what happened?" I just stood there still in shock that Jimin stood up for me, I looked at Jin then at Seo-yeon. Jin snapped then realizing what happen. "You attacked my sister!" It was Taehyung's turn to stop my brother from jumping Seo-yeon. I just turn and ran from the lunch room heading back to the parking lot. I felt someone grab me by the hand, I stop thinking it was Jimin. "Ji are you okay?" I turn to look at Taehyung, tears running down my face I nod. "I'm sorry Tae, I know she's your girlfriend and everything but she'll never be my friend. I'm tired of being attacked for being your friend, you're my best friend Tae and I don't want to come between you and your girlfriend."

Then I saw Jimin behind him, I looked at Taehyung in the eyes. "Let me go Tae, I just want to go home and Jimin is going to give me a lift home." Taehyung frown but nodded, then glared at Jimin.


End Of Chapter 16


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝~ 𝙑𝙨𝙤𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 {𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙}Where stories live. Discover now